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About Everything Wiki » Travel » How to travel if you don't have money: 5 ideas

How to travel if you don't have money: 5 ideas

29 May 2023, 20:06, parser
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2023 is hardly an easy year to travel, especially on a budget. But the situation is not a stalemate. On the one hand, the list of countries where you can enter without a visa is still impressive Countries of visa-free or simplified entry for citizens of the Russian Federation , on the other hand, if you haven't seen the Chuisky Tract, the Talnikovsky Waterfall and the "Caspian monster", you can go for a ride in Russia. Here are some ways to help young tourists save money.

1. Become a volunteer

Some programs pay for travel, accommodation and meals, while others require small contributions to participate in. In any case, the cost of volunteering is usually less than for a package tour. In addition, you will be able to do useful work, and also practice a foreign language abroad.

To go on such a trip, you need to find a program and prepare the documents. And even more often, this option is available only to adults. But there are options for schoolchildren as well. So, it will be possible to work in the Hermitage since the age of 15. And if an accompanying adult goes with a teenager, there will be even more interesting directions. For example, you can participate in an archaeological expedition to the excavations of the ancient Kulchuk estate.

Image: Look Studio / Shutterstock

You can find programs through a regular search or in social networks. For example, in a couple of minutes, VKontakte managed to find out that volunteers are now being recruited to the natural parks "Volcanoes of Kamchatka" and invited to ring birds at the station "Baikal". However, the excitement for birds is high — there are only free seats left for the fall.

Here are a few more aggregators that will help you find interesting directions:

  • Dobro.rf. The largest catalog of Russian projects. You can find a job for a couple of days or apply to a global project. The tag "under 18" is useful if you need to find offers for minors.
  • Ecotravel. Volunteer vacancies from national parks and nature reserves in Russia are published here. For example, now workers are needed in the Kaluga Zaseki.
  • GoodSurfing. A convenient service for finding international volunteer programs and expeditions. The map has current offers from Japan, Brazil, Peru and Vietnam.
  • Health and Help. This international organization provides medical assistance to residents of Guatemala and Nicaragua. They are more often looking for doctors, but there are also options for people without medical education. All vacancies require knowledge of Spanish.

2. Try backpacking

To put it simply, to travel as a savage. Everything that reduces costs is used here. For example, travelers often hitchhike or choose the cheapest possible transport, such as commuter buses or commuter trains. And they also go to non-tourist locations, cook themselves and spend the night in tent camps or at local ones. An important attribute of any backpacker is a backpack with a minimum set of essentials for a trip.

You can go wandering at least around the world. The main thing is to remember that the romance of hiking lies in improvisation and the absence of the usual comfort. But before you throw a backpack on your shoulders, carefully study the order of entry to the selected countries, the requirements for insurance and vaccinations, the features of hitchhiking. Even if you are traveling in Russia, it will not be superfluous to download an offline map and plan your route. Here are some more tips that will help you save money on the way.

  • If you are not planning to spend the night in a tent (or there is simply nowhere to put it), you can still find a free overnight stay at CouchSurfing. But verification is now paid.
  • In summer, students can travel around the country, staying at university campuses and dormitories. For example, last year it cost 300 rubles per night to live at the Altai State University, and 240 rubles at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University hotel.
  • Subscribe to channels that monitor discounts on buses, trains and planes non‑stop. For example, interesting offers and promo codes are always available on Vandroukah and TravelRadar. To fly from Moscow to Ulaanbaatar for the weekend for just a thousand and a penny? Why not!
  • Install WiFi Map apps. This database of passwords from public Wi‑Fi points will help out if you don't want to spend money on a local SIM card.

3. Get an internship or go to study

Image: Miljan Zivkovic / Shutterstock

This option is suitable for those who want to combine business with pleasure. This is an ideal format for students and graduates, because many programs are designed for several months. If you're lucky, the scholarship or salary will cover the cost of staying in another city.

Before you start searching, figure out what is more important: to get real experience and job prospects, or still the geography of travel. If the former, then open job aggregators or websites of companies you are interested in. In Russia, young specialists are invited to Gazprom Neft, Sibur, Rusal, Yandex. Location is more important? Then you can try to go on an exchange to foreign universities. For example, now there are announcements about the recruitment of students with a scholarship in universities Thailand, China and Turkey.

If there are no special preferences or you want to see what the internship market is rich in, special services will help:

  • FutureToday. The site is aimed at young professionals who are just starting a career. There are no seasonal offers or part—time jobs like cashier, courier or merchandiser - only programs from leading Russian and foreign companies.
  • Internship. This channel publishes posts about foreign internships, exchange training and international volunteering.
  • StudyQA. Major media about scholarships and grants around the world.

4. Get a seasonal job

Image: Robert Kneschke / Shutterstock

To go as a counselor to a children's camp, go on a cruise as an animator or spend time in the vineyards — there are definitely options for those who want to see new places and earn extra money.

Vacancies for the summer are already appearing. For example, the website "Seasonal work at sea" contains offers from hotels on the Black Sea coast. They are looking for cooks, administrators, waiters, touts and a dozen more specialists in different cities. In most cases, the hotel provides a room and pays for meals. And if you want a little road romance, you can work on the train — every year Russian Railways recruits conductors throughout the country. If you are lucky with the route, you will be able to admire the beauty of unfamiliar cities or make connections between flights somewhere on the coast.

5. Participate in contests

Sets for exciting expeditions are often carried out by large Russian companies and public organizations. For example, now all those who are not indifferent to the historical and cultural heritage of the country are invited to participate in the competition of the Russian Geographical Society "Local history mission". At stake is the opportunity to participate in cool RGO expeditions and cash prizes.

There are also a lot of options for teenagers. For example, last year 66 students from all over Russia, thanks to the support of Rosatom, were able to go "Icebreaker of knowledge": how children get acquainted with the Arctic / Theory&Practice to the North Pole. And now Russian Railways invites high school students to take part in a competition, the main prize in which is a trip to the Ocean camp.

In addition, there is a youth tourism program "More than a trip" in Russia. Finalists and winners of the contests of the platform "Russia — the land of opportunities" and the society "Knowledge" can count on free trips to the most interesting corners of the country — even in the Arctic.

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