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About Everything Wiki » Photography » The best micrographs of the year for your smartphone or tablet

The best micrographs of the year for your smartphone or tablet

18 Jan 2024, 00:04, parser
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Every year Nikon holds a competition for the best microphotography Small World. This is an open competition in which anyone who knows how to take high-magnification pictures can take part. Most often, the contestants resort to the help of a microscope.

To get a high-quality picture in this genre, it is necessary not only to have the talent of a photographer, but also to understand optics, biology and chemistry. Many of the photographs submitted to the competition are the result of the painstaking work of entire scientific teams that have recorded unique events of the microcosm or fast-flowing chemical processes.

Vascular network in muscles

These photos are begging to be installed as wallpaper on your desktop. They will definitely look no worse than some landscapes or abstractions.

To save a picture you like to your device, first click on it with the left mouse button. A full-size image opens in front of you, which can be downloaded using the right-click context menu.

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