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About Everything Wiki » Motivation » 5 Ways to Get Motivated Back If The Job Started To Seem Boring

5 Ways to Get Motivated Back If The Job Started To Seem Boring

23 Jan 2024, 00:00, parser
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The excitement you feel at a new job eventually gives way to a period of stagnation. It happens to everyone. Sometimes this is caused by the feeling that your skills are not being used to their full potential.  Sometimes frustration is caused by the members of the team you lead, or by the abundance of routine work that does not allow your creative potential to unfold.

In any case, efficiency suffers from this, and life becomes less joyful. If you notice this condition in yourself, try the following methods.

1. Collaborate more with colleagues

When you sit at your desk day after day, you don't see anyone and only perform tasks for which you are directly responsible, you forget about the mission of the company, which was inspiring in the beginning. It begins to seem that it is impossible to do anything more.

And as a result, you feel lonely and limited in opportunities. To prevent this from happening, it is important to interact more with colleagues.

We need an atmosphere of cooperation in which everyone wants to contribute and try creative approaches.

If you lead a team, try to create such an atmosphere. Regroup the participants, change the way of communication or some elements of the office culture so that people have a sincere urge to work together. Let cooperation become the foundation of your corporate culture.

If you are an ordinary employee, look for different opportunities: create something valuable together with colleagues, offer your help, participate in discussions. This could be a step towards continued cooperation in the future.

2. Be inspired by the experiences of other people in your field

Maybe you want to achieve something specific, but you don't have the motivation or knowledge to do it. Find someone who has the skills and information you need. This may be an acquaintance or a well-known professional from your field, about whom you have heard a lot.

Go to his master class, talk in person, if possible, watch him in action. Attend an event or lecture that is at least partially related to your work.

It energizes, gives motivation and new ideas.

And if you go with your colleagues, the result will be even better. Who knows, maybe shared inspiration will help you find new approaches to work and an incentive to change something together. In any case, expanding your horizons will be an impetus to take a different look at your usual activities.

3. Look for advice and inspiration in books

The ideas we come up with depend directly on the information we absorb. Therefore, if you feel that you are at a dead end, pick up a book. It's a great source of inspiration. There you will learn new ideas, solutions and opinions.

And maybe you'll even exclaim: "I've never thought about it from this point of view before" or "Wow, I can do that too!"

Look for books by authors who are related to your field of activity, because they have thought a lot about the same things as you. Read about those who find themselves in a similar situation to find specific advice and motivation.

4. Ask for feedback

So you look at your work from a different perspective. Ask for feedback from your manager or your team members, and you will see what tasks you should focus on and what new goals you should set.

Having goals is very important for professional development and job satisfaction. It helps to overcome boredom and lack of motivation, which inevitably come after a while.

5. Find a hobby

If the only thing you put your energy into is work (whether creative or not), over time you will start to get bored and burn out.  So try to find some other things that you care about. For example, a new hobby.

When we immerse ourselves in a hobby and improve in it, life becomes more complete, we feel happier. And thanks to relaxation and recharge, we come to work more cheerful and work with pleasure.

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