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About Everything Wiki » Work and Study » 6 ways to Start the working day so that you can Do More

6 ways to Start the working day so that you can Do More

19 Jan 2024, 00:01, parser
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We have collected ideas that will help you spend the day productively. You can try to implement each of them, and then focus on the options that are right for you.

1. Start the morning with physical activity and a healthy breakfast

A little exercise, stretching or walking will help you cheer up and go into active mode. Moreover, morning classes do not require much time or special equipment. Studies have shown that 10 minutes of walking up a regular staircase at a comfortable pace will help Skip the caffeine, opt for the stairs to feel more energized / University of Georgia to feel a greater burst of energy than a cup of coffee.

Well, a breakfast that contains enough protein will charge Protein, Its What’s for Breakfast / American Society for Nutrition You are welcome for a few hours.

In the morning, you should choose healthy foods that contain both vitamins and essential minerals. Croissants with cappuccino will also be able to please you, but they contain fewer useful substances than, for example, in a portion of cottage cheese with seeds and slices of fruit. Or fried eggs with vegetables.

Therefore, plan the ascent so that you have time to move around a little and have a quiet breakfast. You don't have to set aside time for charging, but take a little walk before work. Or take the stairs instead of using the elevator.

Freelancers or remote employees can also walk a little before starting active work on foot. Even a fifteen-minute walk will banish the remnants of sleep and help you tune in to the day's tasks.

2. Make or adjust a plan for the day

Some people plan a work day the day before. It's easier for someone to decide on tasks in the morning, before work. But in any case, it will be useful to read the list of current affairs scheduled for the day and determine which of the planned things you will do first and which tasks you will postpone for later. This will help you tune in to work and prioritize.

It will be useful to check which cases are scheduled for the entire current week. By regularly reviewing and adjusting the plan, you will definitely not miss the dates of calls with clients and contractors or the dates of deadlines for all current projects.

This means that accidents are less likely when you have to give up everything and deal with only burning tasks.

In addition, make sure that during the day you have time for unscheduled calls or urgent correspondence, as well as for a short rest. It is good if at least 20% of the working time in the schedule remains free: these windows will be useful in case of force majeure.

3. Set the most important goals for today

Then select one task. Choose according to the principle: "Even if I finish only this case, the day will be successful."

No, this is not a repetition of the previous paragraph, but rather its addition. This method is useful if you have one thing scheduled for the afternoon and you can't do it in the first place. For example, difficult negotiations, project protection, important presentation.

The rest of the time can be organized in such a way as to cope with the main task as best as possible. Perhaps, first of all, you should repeat the main arguments before negotiations or think about what objections the interlocutor may have. Or once again recall the main points of the presentation.

Then, when you are sure that you have prepared well, you can move on to other current affairs.

4. Take time for a pleasant morning routine

Such cases are like the third bell in the theater for actors or the firing of the starting pistol for athletes. They serve as a signal: it's time to switch to active mode.

You can pour cold water into a glass from a cooler and put it on your desktop. Or brew herbal tea in a thermocup. Or switch your smartphone to silent mode. Also— put on headphones and turn on music if it helps you focus.

Those who work at home can change their clothes or change fluffy slippers for more formal shoes.

Choose an activity that will be pleasant to you and will help you switch from the role of a vacationer to the professional mode. And over time, you'll notice that this little thing can help you spend your day more productively.

5. Turn on the timer for 45-50 minutes

Promise yourself to work actively until the alarm sounds, and get down to business right away. Then, when the timer goes off, you should take a break. And during the rest, walk, stretch, chat with colleagues. Or stretch, do some breathing exercises, and then look for new memes in the messenger.

By turning on the timer, you can avoid procrastination or a long workout before work. The tasks have been defined, the goals have been set — all that remains is to start fulfilling them. Moreover, you will know for sure that you will soon be able to switch and relax. This will avoid the feeling that you are facing a tedious and unaffordable task. Almost anyone can work for 45-50 minutes. And a break will allow you to relieve tension and relax a little.

6. Think about what you will do in the evening

Some people think that the working day passes much faster, and things cause more enthusiasm if you know that in the evening you will receive a well-deserved reward. Therefore, it makes sense to plan a vacation in the morning. And then spend the day in anticipation of pleasant activities.

It is not necessary to plan something grandiose — for example, going to a rock concert or to the theater.

You can ask yourself what little things will please you today. You may want to cook a delicious dish that you haven't eaten in a long time. Or buy more different fruits on the way home. Or maybe go for a walk and take pictures of the city, and then drink coffee in a small cafe. Or put everything aside and finally start writing a fantastic story, the idea of which came to your mind a month ago.

The anticipation of an interesting evening can add pleasant emotions to you, and therefore productivity.

And more. You can remind yourself in the morning that any day, even the most ordinary day, will definitely bring something new to the piggy bank of your experience. Maybe this contribution will seem inconspicuous to you. But you will definitely complete at least one more task, and it will be at least a little different from yesterday. It is these small steps that eventually lead to serious professional breakthroughs.

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