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About Everything Wiki » Health » Where does cervical cancer come from and how to treat it

Where does cervical cancer come from and how to treat it

26 May 2023, 00:00, parser
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What is cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor of the lower part of the organ — the cervix, which connects Cervical cancer / Mayo Clinic the body of the uterus with a vagina.

By prevalence, the disease occupies Cervical cancer / WHO the fourth place among female cancer diagnoses in the world and the fifth in Russia Clinical recommendations. Cervical cancer / Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation . In 2020, 600,000 new cases were identified. Usually this pathology develops Basic Information About Cervical Cancer / CDC at a relatively young age — 30-40 years.

Why does cervical cancer occur

Cervical cancer is not related Basic Information About Cervical Cancer / CDC with genes and hereditary factors. It is usually caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted microorganism. It is believed that at least half of sexually active people will become infected with it during their lifetime, but only a few women will get cervical cancer.

This virus damages Cervical cancer / Mayo Clinic DNA is a kind of instruction for a cell, in which, with the help of proteins, it is written how it needs to develop and when to die. If it mutates, it begins to grow and multiply uncontrollably. Abnormal cells accumulate and form a tumor. With a normally functioning immune system, the development of cancer will require Cervical cancer / WHO 15-20 years, with immunodeficiency — 5-10.

If mutates Cervical cancer / Mayo Clinic the cell covering the neck from the outside develops squamous cell carcinoma (this is 70% of cases Cervical cancer / Cancer Council ), and if inside the canal, then such a cancer is called adenocarcinoma (25%). Sometimes there are both types of mutations in the tumor. Extremely rarely, cervical cancer consists of other cells.

What factors increase the risk of cervical cancer

Any woman can get sick. But there are factors that increase 1. Cervical cancer / Mayo Clinic
2. Cervical cancer / NHS
the likelihood of cervical cancer:

  • A large number of sexual partners. The more sexual contacts there were with different people, the more likely that one of them had HPV.
  • Early onset of sexual activity. It is believed that then HPV is infected more often.
  • The presence of other STIs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis. These diseases reduce the body's resistance, and the probability of virus penetration becomes higher.
  • Weakened immune system. WHO claims Cervical cancer / WHO that the risk of developing cancer in HIV‑infected women is six times higher.
  • Smoking.
  • The birth of several children or childbirth before the age of 17.
  • Cancer of the vagina, kidneys, vulva or bladder in the past.
  • Reception by the mother during pregnancy of diethylstilbestrol (DES). Such a medicine was used to prevent miscarriage in the 1950s in the USA.

What symptoms may indicate cervical cancer

Usually, at an early stage, this disease does not cause any symptoms. Cervical cancer can be detected only by screening. To do this, a Pap smear is taken, in which the cells are scraped off with a special brush and examined in a microscope. At later stages, appears Cervical cancer / Cancer Council such signs:

  • bleeding between periods;
  • unusually long and heavy periods;
  • spotting after sex;
  • copious vaginal discharge of a strange color or with an unpleasant odor;
  • pelvic pain;
  • bleeding after menopause.

How cervical cancer is diagnosed

People often find out about cancer after an examination. This is good, because the sooner it is detected, the better the prognosis will be. Therefore, it is important to have a regular checkup with a gynecologist, ideally once a year.


The doctor will examine Cervical cancer / Mayo Clinic vagina and cervix in mirrors. If necessary, a colposcope will be inserted into the vagina — a special tube at the end of which there is a magnifying device like a microscope. So the gynecologist will be better able to see the changes in the organ.


For it, you can "type Cervical cancer / Mayo Clinic " cells with a needle and syringe (puncture biopsy). Another option is to scrape them off the surface of the neck with a small spoon or brush. The resulting samples are colored and examined under a microscope to assess how much the cells have changed. If the results are in doubt, then you will need to cut out a larger piece for additional analysis.

Additional research

These checks are needed after diagnosis to understand Clinical recommendations. Cervical cancer / Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation , how far the cancer has spread and in what condition the body is.

How cervical cancer is treated

Depending on the type and extent of the spread of cancer, doctors recommend Cervical cancer / Mayo Clinic :

  • an operation during which the cervix (trachelectomy), part of it or the uterus (hysterectomy) will be removed completely;
  • chemotherapy with medications;
  • radiation therapy;
  • targeted therapy, in which certain proteins in tumor cells are blocked, which causes the latter to die;
  • immunotherapy, which causes the body to attack malignant tumors.

How to protect yourself from cervical cancer

To lower the Cervical cancer / Mayo Clinic risk of cervical cancer:

  • Find out if you can get vaccinated against HPV, and be sure to vaccinate your children.
  • Repeat Pap smears regularly. From the age of 21, you need to do them every few years, an obstetrician‑gynecologist will tell you the exact time.
  • Practice safe sex. Get infected Cervical cancer / NHS HPV is possible not only during vaginal contact, but also when using shared toys, anal and oral sex, so do not forget about barrier contraception.
  • Don't smoke. If you have already acquired this habit, try to quit as early as possible.
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