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About Everything Wiki » Video Tips » How to fry a delicious barbecue. The chef reveals all the secrets

How to fry a delicious barbecue. The chef reveals all the secrets

29 May 2023, 20:07, parser
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What kind of meat is suitable for barbecue

The key to a delicious and juicy barbecue is properly selected and pickled meat.

Traditional shish kebab is made from lamb. However, it has a specific smell that not everyone will like.

Chicken kebab will surely appeal to many, because it turns out to be tender and fragrant. For him, you can take a breast or a ham.

For a beef kebab, a thick edge on the bone is suitable, that is, the back.

Daniel Znamensky
Chef of the gastropub "Chef".

These muscles are not particularly involved in the movement of the animal, and therefore they are softer and juicier.

But the most popular option is pork, namely pork neck. It is from it that the juiciest shish kebab comes out.

Whatever meat you choose, be sure to check that it is of high quality. Good meat does not stick to your hands, the hole that appears when you press it is quickly leveled. It should not have a sharp, unpleasant smell, be covered with blood or mucus.

When buying, attach a napkin to the piece: if there are pink traces on it, it means that the meat has been chemically treated.

Steamed and frozen meat should not be used. From the steam (when less than three hours have passed after the slaughter), a hard shish kebab will turn out. However, as well as from frozen, since most of the liquid will flow out during defrosting. Chilled meat is best suited.

How to cut meat

Smooth cubes with edges 3.5–4 cm long. If the pieces are smaller, they will burn, and the kebab will be dry. If too large, the meat will take a very long time to cook and may not even be fried.

Chicken legs are better to be freed from bones. This way it will be easier for you to string meat on a skewer, and then you will not have to gnaw the bones.

You need to remove all the veins from beef: during heat treatment, they will begin to shrink, and the meat will lose juice.

As for pork , it is better to leave the fat streaks, because thanks to them the kebab will be juicy.

How to marinate a kebab

The marinade will make the meat even juicier and more fragrant. Fresh, freshly bought meat is simply enough to add salt and pepper and immediately start frying. But if you are going to cook shish kebab later, it is advisable to marinate the meat.

Daniel Znamensky

The marinade retains all the properties of meat for a day or even two.

Very often the marinade is made on the basis of onions, kefir, tomato juice, beer or fruit juice and seasoned with spices.

It is not recommended to pour vinegar into the marinade. It tightens the fibers, which makes good meat dry. By adding vinegar, manufacturers of already pickled meat for shish kebab sin. Firstly, vinegar softens very tough, old meat. And secondly, they and spices can mask the smell of stale meat.

How to prepare a barbecue

Try to find a windless place so that the sparks from the fire do not fly around. For safety reasons, do not place the grill next to flammable objects, such as dead wood, firewood, garbage. Also, you can not install a barbecue under hanging tree branches and near buildings.

It is very important to choose the right firewood. Oddly enough, this directly affects the taste of shish kebab.

Coniferous trees are categorically not suitable. When gorenje such firewood emit resins. If the meat is soaked with them, it will acquire a characteristic taste. You can also not take a tree covered with paint or varnish. For example, the legs of an old chair. This will negatively affect both the taste of meat and your health.

Deciduous trees, such as oak, linden, birch, and all fruit species, such as apple, pear, cherry, are best suited. The firewood should be dry and not too big, otherwise they will burn for a long time.

If you don't have the time or opportunity to look for suitable firewood, buy ready-made coals. They can be found in almost any supermarket.

Daniel Znamensky

It is desirable that on the bag it was written: "Birch coals". On average, the coals flare up in 20-25 minutes.

Paper packaging from under the coals is useful for ignition. Do not use any chemicals for this. It's not safe, and the barbecue will smell of chemicals.

How to string meat

Skewers are best suited for frying kebabs. You can also fry meat on a grill, although this is not a traditional method of cooking shish kebab.

Daniel Znamensky

I do not recommend using corner skewers. Take flat stainless steel skewers. The meat on them will sit tight and will not turn over on its own when frying.

The meat should not be strung on a skewer too tightly, otherwise it will not be fried on all sides. But it is also not worth distributing it far from each other. String the pieces so that they touch a little and that the skewer is not visible between them.

If the pieces turned out to be different in size, then it is better to place the smaller ones on the edges. To make the meat juicy, alternate it with small pieces of fat . If something is hanging from the meat, it is better to cut off these parts, because during frying they will turn into embers.

When and how to put meat on the grill

Shish kebab should languish over smoldering coals. If the coals are covered with white ash, then it's time to cook. If suddenly the heat is not enough, then wave something flat over the grill.

Before cooking, throw a few sprigs of rosemary, sage or tarragon on the coals. Then the meat will absorb the aroma of fragrant herbs.

Daniel Znamensky

In no case should you fry meat on an open fire.

Skewers should be placed on the grill tightly. For the first 3-5 minutes, turn them over often so that the meat is covered with a crust and retains all the juice inside. Then rotate the skewers every 2-3 minutes so that the shish kebab does not burn and fry evenly.

Because of the fat dripping from the meat, the coals can flare up again. If this happens, just slide the skewers to the side, stir the coals and continue cooking.

A strong flame can be extinguished with water or the remaining marinade. Pre-fill the liquid in the bottle, make several small holes in the lid and, if necessary, water the coals by removing or pushing the skewers aside.

Contrary to popular belief, watering a barbecue is not necessary. This does not guarantee the juiciness of the meat.

How long to fry a barbecue

On average, shish kebab is cooked from 15 to 25 minutes. It all depends on the temperature of the coals and natural conditions: in summer, the meat will fry much faster.

To check the readiness of the barbecue, cut the thickest piece of meat and press lightly. If a colorless juice is released, then it's time to remove the skewers from the grill. If the juice is red, then you need to fry the meat a little more.

It is better to serve shish kebab with original sauces .

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