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About Everything Wiki » Travel » How we were going on vacation: Travelata service review

How we were going on vacation: Travelata service review

04 May 2023, 16:57, parser
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For the last few days, the thoughts of our small family of two have been occupied only with the upcoming vacation. But, since I don't want to spend it at home at all, we decided to find a cheaper tour to some, naturally, warm and maritime country. Our wishes for a holiday at sea are the simplest — a decent hotel, a beautiful beach, well, so that there is something to see, after all, lying on the beach for 10 days is also very tiring. Another important point is that we wanted a ticket. Of course, you can find and book a hotel yourself, find cheaper tickets separately, and so on. But since we don't have any experience in this business, and there wasn't much time to surf the Internet either, we just wanted to buy an all-inclusive ticket.

Naturally, the first thing we looked into was the Internet in search of tours. We were hit by an avalanche of tour operator websites, each of which offered "the most profitable tours". In some places the prices were really quite good, but soon we got tired of comparing and wandering from one resource to another. In addition, many of them were distinguished by such a "tear out the eye" design and such a "user friendly" interface that it was simply impossible to spend a long time on them.

Then the second "brilliant" idea came to us: to look into one of those tiny tourist kiosks in large shopping malls that offer a paradise vacation in any corner of the Earth. And what, we thought, now they will quickly pick up a cheap tour for us, and we will run happy right away to buy swimsuits and swimming trunks. However, our hopes were dashed by the sweetly polite voice of the tour operator girl, who told us the price for the ticket. It was very, very different from the ones we saw online. They left disappointed. There was no strength, no desire, no time to go to another kiosk to compare prices.

The desire to go on vacation became stronger every day, and we went online again.

And for the third time, a really good idea came — you need to look for vouchers not on the websites of individual tour operators, but on a service that generates all the offers of the most famous travel agencies. So that you can see the full picture of offers in all directions in one place and select those that are suitable for the price and other conditions.

We eventually found such a service and successfully used it. generates offers from all the largest tour operators and provides them to you in a visual and convenient way: you can sort by price or by user reviews.

To choose a tour, you must first set filters in the left sidebar: how many people will go, which "star" hotel you prefer, whether you need an All-inclusive system or enough breakfasts and dinners, the cost limit, and, of course, the departure city and direction. We chose Cyprus. There were two reasons for this:

1. Because it was somehow unusual for us (for some reason, I didn't want to go to Turkey and Egypt).

2. It is now quite easy to get a visa to Cyprus — to apply via the Internet.


For each found tour there is a detailed description with photos, reviews. The price for the tour and additional financial investments (for example, fuel tax) are indicated, i.e. you can immediately estimate how much the tour will cost in general. In principle, everything is painted in detail, but if something is still unclear, then you can call the operator and find out in detail all the points of interest. The prices are quite adequate, i.e. exactly the ones we expected. By the way, Travelata seems to guarantee that it finds tours at the lowest price. And if you find exactly the same offer somewhere, but at a lower price (excluding discounts and promotions), then they sell you a tour at the price you found, or even cheaper. Everything is written in detail on the website in the section "Best price guarantee".




Mindful of the recent spoiled vacation of friends who could not fly due to the fact that their tour operator went bankrupt on the eve of departure, we decided to find out what guarantees it provides to my clients. What happens if the tour operator whose services we used through the service is unable to deliver us to our destination? It turns out that the service operates the service "Turgarant". Its essence lies in the fact that in case of suspension of the activity of the tour operator, you will quickly and free of charge pick up a new alternative ticket (let's hope that we do not have to use this service).

After we placed the order, we received a signed scan of the contract by e-mail. After reading it and agreeing to the terms, you can make a payment. And although we were a little worried, but in the end we paid for the ticket. Payment on it is made by a regular bank card.


A few days later, we received all the remaining documents by e-mail, including unique visa numbers to Cyprus (this is such a lightweight version of the visa)! We were very pleased that Travelata also took over the visa processing. Now we just have to immerse ourselves in the sweet anticipation of a vacation by the sea :) In general, the selection and purchase of the tour took several hours. Well, as for whether the hotel corresponds to the stated descriptions, I can tell you only after the trip. I hope, of course, for the best :) And if someone has already been to this place, share your impressions, it's very interesting to listen!


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