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About Everything Wiki » Technologies » Owners of WhatsApp channels can now post polls and surveys

Owners of WhatsApp channels can now post polls and surveys

18 Jan 2024, 00:03, parser
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WhatsApp expands WhatsApp launches voice updates and polls for Channels channel functionality so that their administrators can better interact with their subscribers. The most notable new feature is the ability to post voice messages.

Group owners can now also add up to 16 administrators to help themselves and create surveys. Previously, the only way to interact with a post was to react with emoticons.

Another new way to communicate with the audience is to share group updates directly in your personal status. This works roughly like video avatars in Telegram.

The company noted that voice messages are one of the most popular features in WhatsApp. The app's two billion user base sends about 7 billion messages daily. The number of channels is also growing rapidly, more than 500 million people use them every month. Therefore, the developers will continue to develop these areas.

All new features have already begun to spread among messenger users and will become publicly available in the coming days.

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