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About Everything Wiki » Productivity » 3 Ways to Deal with Burnout at Your Favorite Job

3 Ways to Deal with Burnout at Your Favorite Job

22 Jan 2024, 12:01, parser
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Many people believe that burnout happens only if we do a job that we don't particularly like. However, this is not entirely true. Every burnout experience is completely different. Fatigue, anxiety and other unpleasant feelings can manifest themselves in completely different ways. In order to beat burnout, you need to understand exactly what you feel, when and why. Three simple tactics can help with this.

1. Analyze the situation

Burnout is a feeling of mental, physical and emotional fatigue caused by prolonged stress. And the best way to deal with this feeling is self—awareness. However, we are so used to answering the question "How are you?" with prepared "normal", "not bad" or "good" that it becomes more and more difficult to listen to our real emotions.

A personal diary will help you figure yourself out. If you can't find the right definition to describe your experiences, use the "wheel of emotions The ‘Feelings Wheel’ Reveals the Complexity of Your Emotions / Well + Good ».

Try to practice "feeling analysis" every week. Take 20 minutes to sort out your mental, physical and emotional state, and record your observations. And at the end of each month, check your past records. This will give you the opportunity to notice similar patterns in your condition.

If you notice that you are physically exhausted, adjust your sleep schedule, try to move more and review your menu. If the source of the problems is in a mental state, it is important to correctly define the boundaries between work and personal life — take regular breaks and devote time to fun hobbies. And mindfulness, communication with others, or therapy are great ways to get rid of emotional anxieties that lead to burnout.

2. Use bonuses

Raise your hand if you like things that make you feel better. Keep holding it if such things become much more attractive when they are free. Your hand is still up, isn't it?

Bonuses are part of the work compensation package, and, oddly enough, they can significantly alleviate the symptoms of burnout. Despite this, very few people use bonuses to the maximum.

Find out which ones are available at your workplace. Perhaps the company provides employees with much more than discounts on its products and services, additional vacation time, or tuition and professional retraining. All this can be found out from the HR manager or in the HR department.

3. Allocate free time

Many of us do not realize how important rest is. Whereas regular breaks are the main way to deal with burnout. Unfortunately, this does not always work out. Perhaps your boss is giving instructions despite your vacation, and even after the weekend you return to work tired and exhausted.

Recent events, including the pandemic, have depleted our energy reserves and brought burnout closer than ever. Free intervals from work will help to improve its quality and allow the brain to rest. Go to a museum, arrange a trip to a nearby city, or just get a good night's sleep. You will immediately notice improvements.

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