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Windows 11 users have discovered a funny bug that benefits older computers....
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Thanks to the instructions of Artyom Kozoriz, you can cope no worse than a...
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News today: the latest news

Coub has released an official iPhone app

Coub has released an official iPhone app

The increasingly popular service «looping videos» Coub has released its official app for iPhone... 02 May 2023, 06:41
How to protect yourself from misinformation on the Internet?

How to protect yourself from misinformation on the Internet?

Our days are a time of information flow and universal openness. There are so many content, links... 02 May 2023, 06:41
8 Best News Apps of 2013 for iOS

8 Best News Apps of 2013 for iOS

How did the world know about the news before the advent of the Internet? When we were children, in... 02 May 2023, 06:40
Pono: a player for true music lovers

Pono: a player for true music lovers

Rejoice connoisseurs of high-quality sound! Canadian rock musician Neil Young's project, the... 02 May 2023, 06:40
Tim Cook: We don't violate tax laws

Tim Cook: We don't violate tax laws

On Tuesday, May 21, the U.S. Senate held a hearing on changes in tax legislation. Now, there are... 02 May 2023, 06:40
Adobe has released the Kuler app for iOS

Adobe has released the Kuler app for iOS

The other day Adobe introduced its new app in the App Store — Kuler. It allows designers and... 02 May 2023, 06:40
Google Play is becoming more popular than the App Store

Google Play is becoming more popular than the App Store

For many years, the App Store has been the most popular platform for downloading mobile... 02 May 2023, 06:40
Wall Street Journal: Apple is actively testing 6-inch displays

Wall Street Journal: Apple is actively testing 6-inch displays

While Android phones continue to break records in screen diagonals, Apple has quietly settled on... 02 May 2023, 06:40
Apple introduced the iPhone 5C: 5 body colors, iPhone 5 hardware, price from $ 100

Apple introduced the iPhone 5C: 5 body colors, iPhone 5 hardware, price from $ 100

As we expected, Apple presented two new iPhone models at its event, one of which is the iPhone 5C.... 02 May 2023, 06:40
Meet — Steam Controller

Meet — Steam Controller

So the last of the three promised announcements of Valve took place. Following SteamOS and Steam... 02 May 2023, 06:40