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About Everything Wiki » News » Anews — Russian-language news aggregator

Anews — Russian-language news aggregator

02 May 2023, 06:41, parser
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This is what Flipboard would look like if it was made in Russia

For many, the main obstacle to using various services, such as Flipboard, Newsify and others, is that they do not have Russian-language materials. With all this, new and new news services appear every day and they all repeat the mistakes of the previous articles in English only. But what about the audience that doesn't know English?

The developers of the Anews service took care of this and released their service (with applications for iOS and Android), which collects news on interests for you in Russian. Developers talk about more than 300 sources of information. Should be enough, so let's take a closer look.

First you will be asked to register. You can do this using Facebook*, Twitter, VK, Google, or simply create an account in the service if you do not want to link your social network accounts.


After registration, you need to choose the topics you are interested in. The list is standard, but all the most popular topics are present.


This is how the main page looks like. The left part is occupied by a bar with your subscriptions, and the rest is a news feed. The only downside is the web interface is a bit laggy, but since the service is new, I think this will be fixed soon.


Now to the huge advantage of this service. He has great apps for iOS and Android. You can take a look at the iPhone app, but its Android version is identical. The application is made in the form of a ribbon and has nothing superfluous, but only the latest and current news.

As a result, we get an excellent application that shows you the most relevant and latest news based on your interests and subscriptions. Therefore, if Flipboard does not attract you for some reason or you prefer to read news in Russian, then Anews will probably be the best option.


Download in appstore
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Instagram Facebook and social networks owned by Meta Platforms Inc. are prohibited from operating in the territory of the Russian Federation.


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