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About Everything Wiki » Music » 6 reasons to listen to Classical music every day

6 reasons to listen to Classical music every day

06 Jun 2023, 12:03, parser
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1. You will start sleeping more soundly

Have you been looking for a comfortable position in bed for a long time, are you constantly distracted by the noise of the refrigerator, the steps of neighbors from above or the hum of passing cars, and eventually fall asleep in an hour at best? If this situation is familiar to you, next time try to turn on the background compositions of Claude Debussy, Max Richter or Sergei Rachmaninoff before going to bed.

No, classical music does not work as a sleeping pill because it is "boring". Instrumental melodies help to relax the sympathetic nervous system and lower blood pressure — they calm the body and help to relax Music improves sleep quality in students even for people with sleep disorders. The main thing is not to forget to put a shutdown timer in the player, otherwise you will not notice how you fall asleep, and the smartphone or speaker will work all night.

2. Music will help to get rid of pain

Migraines, muscle aches and even emotional shocks — all this will become less noticeable if you turn on your favorite instrumental concert. No wonder researchers advise using Music as an aid for postoperative recovery in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis classical music as one of the means for recovery after surgery. It can be effective even if a person is under general anesthesia.

The fact is that music makes the reward center in the brain work more actively, that is, it stimulates the production of dopamine. At the same time, the pain may become weaker Effect of music on power, pain, depression and disability , and it will be easier to get away from them.

But it is important to remember that music will not get rid of the cause of pain. If the unpleasant sensations last a long time or occur often, it is worth seeking advice from a specialist.

3. It will be easier to cope with stress and anxiety

Illustration: Stokkete/Shutterstock

If you are mired in deadlines at work or stuck in traffic and are worried that you will be late everywhere now, find Beethoven or Tchaikovsky in the player and concentrate on the melody. Calm classical music helps to reduce blood pressure Music can facilitate blood pressure recovery from stress and cortisol levels The effect of different types of music on patients’ preoperative anxiety: A randomized controlled trial , and also normalizes the heartbeat and breathing — in general, helps to calm down and not succumb to stress. For greater effect, listening to music can be combined with meditation or breathing exercises.

Classics will also be useful if anxiety and stress haunt you constantly. Taiwanese scientists have found out that it is enough for noticeable mental calming Listening to classical music can relieve pregnancy stress only a couple of weeks. They conducted an experiment involving pregnant women. Expectant mothers were tested for anxiety, stress and depression, and then divided into two groups: the first received cds with classical music that had to be listened to every day, and the second did not. After 14 days, the testing was repeated — the first group was much calmer than the second in all respects.

4. Melodies will set you up for soulful conversations

Classical music playing in the background helps The effects of selected classical music on self-disclosure share your personal experiences and opinions on any topic without fear and remorse. This effect is due to the fact that instrumental works allow you to relax and contribute to a better understanding of your own Self.

Classics can be useful in psychotherapy sessions, and during gatherings with friends will also come in handy. Such music will create the right mood and will not interfere with the conversation, because there are no words that can draw attention to themselves.

5. Your cognitive abilities will improve

Illustration: fizkes/Shutterstock

The positive effect of melodies on cognitive functions is confirmed by many studies. So, experts of the American Psychological Association found out that classical compositions can increase More than meets the ear: Investigating how music affects cognitive task performance productivity when performing familiar and fairly simple tasks, but do not have an additional effect in the case of new and complex tasks.

Scientists from the University of Rome La Sapienza noticed that Mozart's sonatas are able to increase The Mozart Effect: A quantitative EEG study the alpha range of brain waves and the index of the average frequency of background activity of the alpha rhythm: memory, cognition and readiness to solve problems depend on them. A similar conclusion was made by experts from the University of Helsinki: they note that in order to obtain a noticeable effect, you can The effect of listening to music on human transcriptome include classics in the background for only 20 minutes.

Another experiment conducted by French researchers showed Music during lectures: Will students learn better? that music helps to better perceive and remember information. They divided the students into two groups and gave them the same one-hour lecture, but in one of the classrooms they turned on the background music. Then the students passed the test: the group studying to the accompaniment of classics coped noticeably better. Scientists suggest that this is due to a change in the emotional state.

It is useful for brain health not only to listen, but also to compose instrumental music. The process of creating melodies activates Music Builds Bridges in the Brain connections between hemispheres, protects More evidence that musical training protects the brain cells from aging, develops Musical Training Boosts Verbal Memory verbal memory is the ability to remember names, phrases and other information presented in verbal form. And music classes also increase Effects of Three Years of Piano Instruction on Children’s Academic Achievement, School Performance and Self-Esteem self-confidence and develop empathy.

If you are under 35 years old and you write music professionally or at an amateur level, send your works to the All-Russian competition of young composers "Score-2021". The laureates will be able to hear their works performed by the Moscow State Academic Symphony Orchestra, and the winners will receive 200 thousand rubles and special prizes.

There are eight nominations in the competition: from small symphonic works to opera and choral singing. There are only two conditions for melodies: they should be written no earlier than 2020 and last from 10 to 20 minutes. The works will be appreciated by 30 famous Russian composers and musicians. Applications are accepted until October 20.

6. You will be able to find inspiration

If you can't get out of the creative crisis, classical music will help solve this problem. Select Happy creativity: Listening to happy music facilitates divergent thinking you need uplifting cheerful melodies, for example "Spring" from the concert "Seasons" by Vivaldi. While listening to such works, divergent thinking improves — it is responsible for a creative, non-standard approach to solving problems and searching for new ideas.

By the way, fans of classical music (and its opposite metal) are generally quite creative Fans of heavy metal and classical music have a lot in common, study finds , and also have good self-esteem and are in great relationships with themselves.

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