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About Everything Wiki » Motivation » 6 Things to Do Right Away When You're In a Bad Mood

6 Things to Do Right Away When You're In a Bad Mood

06 Jun 2023, 00:00, parser
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Everyone has days when we feel irritated, angry, anxious, disappointed or tired. In some cases, the reason for the bad mood is obvious — for example, we had an unsuccessful presentation at work, are going through a difficult breakup with a loved one, or simply did not get enough sleep. In others, everything is much more hazy, and our mood suddenly changes for no apparent reason. At such moments, we need urgent psychological help. And that's what you can do first of all.

1. Tell about your emotions

Think about the people around you. It is unlikely that you will want them to suffer from a change in your mood. It is even possible that you will need their help and support. Therefore, try to take responsibility for your emotions and honestly tell your partner, friend or colleague about your bad mood. This will allow others to understand what is happening and why you are "sulking" or "snapping". In addition, explain to other people what you expect from them: for example, to be left alone, hugged or listened to.

2. Play detective

Show your curiosity. Try to understand why your mood worsened today, and not yesterday. What could affect you: lack of sleep, hunger, worries about a difficult project at work or anger because of a morning quarrel with a partner?

What are you thinking about? Emotions arise in response to thoughts. Sometimes it is difficult for us to follow our own thoughts, especially if we focus too much on physical sensations. Here again, you need to turn on the inner Sherlock Holmes: stop and pay attention to what is happening in your head. The main goal of such a "detective game" is to get to know yourself better by identifying the triggers of a bad mood and eliminating the factors that fuel it.

3. Solve minor problems

Tired? Get at least an hour's sleep. Are you hungry? Go to lunch. Are you worried that you are not coping with the work? Ask for help from colleagues or discuss with your boss the level of complexity of your tasks. The faster you deal with the problems that cause your bad mood, the better you will feel.

4. Postpone serious decisions

Simple actions like "take a nap" or "eat" will save you from minor problems that can be solved here and now. But if a bad mood is associated with a serious problem, it is better to postpone the decision until you are emotionally stable. For example, if you have quarreled with a partner and are now very angry with him, you should not talk to him in this state, and even more so, you should not immediately think about breaking off the relationship.

When we are particularly excited, we begin to look narrowly at the world around us. Our "emotional brain" switches to black-and-white thinking mode and offers radical solutions. It's like making decisions drunk: at first they seem right, but then we regret them.

Try not to fall for the tricks of the brain. Tell yourself that now is not the best time to act. Wait until your "rational brain" is back in order, and think it over again without emotion.

5. Calm down

When you have eliminated minor problems and postponed the solution of major ones, try to calm down. This can be done in the following ways:

  • Meditate. Usually 10-15 minutes is enough to feel better.
  • Describe your experiences on paper. This will allow you to throw everything out of your head and stop obsessing. Just do not spend more than 10 minutes on recordings, so as not to get discouraged.
  • Go in for sports. It's enough to spend the same 10 minutes and perform simple stretching exercises or take a walk to get a portion of endorphins.
  • Devote time to thoughtful studies. For example, play your favorite game, draw, cook a meal — do something that completely absorbs your attention.
  • Get some sleep. Both a 20-minute nap in the afternoon and an earlier hang-up in the evening are suitable. Sleep "reboots" the brain and destroys all mental "garbage".

6. Remind yourself that it will pass

Our mood rises and falls during the day for many reasons. It is important not only to be aware of these changes, but also to be patient. Even if you don't do anything, most likely, at some point you will still feel better.

If you constantly suffer from mood swings, but you can not find the cause yourself, it may be worth contacting a specialist.

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