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About Everything Wiki » Life Hack » The latest version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) has been released

The latest version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) has been released

03 May 2023, 19:20, parser
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October 18, 2007 was a great day. On Thursday, a new version of the most popular Linux distribution, Ubuntu 7.10, was released. Updates occur as planned — every half a year, this time the release was carried out according to plan. There are a lot of innovations in the new distribution, and the most significant of them we have listed according to the information from the official site below.



  • using the latest version of Gnome 2.2, as well as its own build Compiz Fusion, which implements beautiful effects when working with windows;
  • built-in computer search, which searches for what you need by pre-prepared indexes, and therefore does it almost instantly (in fairness it should be said that this applet copies the famous Apple Spotlight);
  • instant switching between logged-in user accounts;
  • plugins for Firefox can now be installed via the standard software installation/removal dialog;
  • improved monitor configurator with support for working with two monitors;
  • automatic connection of connected printers;
  • support for writing to NTFS volumes;
  • improved support for energy saving and mechanisms for working with laptops and their implementation features of working with power;
  • ...much, much more.

The most main feature of Ubuntu for a simple user is that everything works immediately after installation — tools for working with the Internet, office applications and much more.


There are several ways to get the latest version of Ubuntu 7.10:

  • download the CD image from the official website;
  • request a free CD, which, by the way, really send!


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