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About Everything Wiki » Life » 20 paradoxical life truths that everyone should remember

20 paradoxical life truths that everyone should remember

10 Jun 2023, 12:00, parser
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Mark manson
Entrepreneur, blogger, bestselling author "The subtle art of indifference" and "Everything sucks. A book about hope".

Here are 20 paradoxes that, oddly enough, work.

1. The more we dislike a trait in others, the more likely we are to avoid it in ourselves

The famous psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung believed that the qualities that irritate us in other people are actually a reflection of those qualities that we deny in ourselves. For example, those who are dissatisfied with their weight will notice chubby everywhere. And people experiencing financial difficulties will criticize those who earn a lot. Sigmund Freud called it projection. Most would just call it "being a jerk."

2. People who don't trust anyone are not trustworthy themselves

People who constantly feel insecure in relationships are more likely to undermine them themselves. After all, we often try to protect ourselves from pain by hurting others first.

3. The more we try to impress people, the less they like us

No one likes those who try too hard.

4. The more often we fail, the more likely we will succeed

Edison created more than 10,000 incandescent lamp samples before he invented a successful variant. And you've probably heard many more similar stories. Success comes when we improve and improve, and we have to improve when we have failed.

5. The more we are afraid of something, the higher the probability that it needs to be done

With the exception of really life- and health-threatening situations, our "hit or run" instinct usually turns on when we encounter injuries from the past or actions that cause us discomfort. For example, it is usually difficult for us to talk to an attractive person, to call someone with a request for a job, to speak in public, to start our own business, to express a controversial opinion, to be extremely honest with someone.

6. The more we fear death, the less we enjoy life

As Anais Nin wrote: "Life contracts and expands in proportion to your courage."

7. The more we learn, the more we realize how little we know

Every time we learn something, we have new questions.

8. The less we care about others, the less we care about ourselves

It would seem that it should be the opposite. But people treat others the same way they treat themselves. It may not be noticeable from the outside, but those who are cruel to others usually show cruelty to themselves.

9. The more opportunities we have for communication, the more lonely we feel

Despite the fact that we now have much more different means of communication, in recent decades researchers have noted an increased level of loneliness and depression in developed countries.

10. The more we are afraid of failing, the higher the probability of failure

This is also called a self-fulfilling prophecy.

11. The more we work hard, the more difficult the task will seem

When we expect something to be difficult, we often unconsciously complicate it ourselves.

12. The more accessible a thing is, the less attractive it seems to us

We subconsciously believe that rare things are more valuable, and what is available in abundance has a lower value. That's not so.

13. The best way to meet someone is not to look for anyone

We usually find the other half when we are happy with ourselves and don't need someone else to be happy.

14. The more we admit our shortcomings, the more people think we don't have them

When we are calm about the fact that we are not so good, others consider it a virtue. This is one of the advantages of vulnerability.

15. The more we try to keep someone, the more we push them away

This is a strong argument against jealousy: when feelings or actions turn into obligations, they simply lose their meaning. If a partner feels obligated to be with you for the weekend, the time spent together is deprived of any value.

16. The more we argue, the less chance we have to convince the interlocutor

Most disputes are based on emotions. They flare up when participants try to change each other's minds. In order for the discussion to be objective, both sides must agree to leave aside their perceptions and turn only to the facts (and few people succeed in this).

17. The more choices we have, the less satisfied we are with the decision

This is how the well-known paradox of choice manifests itself. When we have a lot of options, the costs of lost profits also increase (what we will lose by making this or that choice). Therefore, we are not so happy with the decision that we make in the end.

18. The more we are convinced that we are right, the less we know

There is a direct correlation between how open a person is to other points of view and how much he knows about a particular subject. As the English mathematician and philosopher Bertrand Russell said: "Alas, that's the way the world works: the thick-headed are firmly confident in themselves, and the smart ones are full of doubts."

19. The only thing you can be sure of is that you can't be sure of anything

It is very important to accept this, no matter how the brain resists.

20. The only thing that remains unchanged is the changes

This is another one of those hackneyed statements that seem very deep, but in fact mean nothing. However, it does not lose its loyalty from this!

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