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About Everything Wiki » Health » How to learn to get up early — 10 tips

How to learn to get up early — 10 tips

02 May 2023, 07:04, parser
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If you are an owl and are quite happy with yourself, there is no need to change anything. And if not? For many, the transition from a convinced owl to a lark was just a godsend, and that's why:

1. Morning rituals. Early in the morning you have time to greet the new day and thank for everything you have. Tune in to the good. You are lucky, you have the priceless gift of human life, and it is not worth wasting it. Use all means to develop yourself, open your heart to people, don't say bad things.

2. Great start. Getting up early and doing everything calmly is much better than oversleeping, jumping up as soon as you wake up, being late everywhere and coming to work angry at the whole wide world.

3. Silence. No screaming and crying children, soccer balls, cars, TV. Earlier in the morning is the quietest and calmest time of the day, just bliss.

4. Dawn. People who get up late miss the dawn — one of the most beautiful gifts of nature. Who doesn't like to watch the midnight blue sky brighten, bright colors begin to seep into the sky, and everything is painted in incredible colors? You can go jogging at this time, enjoying the beautiful view and silence.

4. Breakfast. Get up earlier, and you will have enough time for the most important meal. You will feel great and you will not have to snack on anything at work.

6. Classes. Of course, you can do sports during the day and after work, it brings no less pleasure. However, in the morning, other things will not interfere with your exercises, you will have more chances to do it regularly.

7. Productivity. Morning is the most productive time of the day for many. If you redo everything in the morning, while nothing distracts, the evening will be free.

8. Planning. It is in the morning, before you start doing your business, that it is best to think about your goals and what needs to be done today – and, of course, start doing it.

9. A trip to work. The earlier you leave in the morning, the easier and more pleasant it will be to go to work while there are no traffic jams. Or ride a bike.

10. Meetings. Morning meetings work best if you get up early. Being late can offend a person, and if you arrive ahead of time, you will oblige him with it. In addition, you will have time to prepare.

10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It

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