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About Everything Wiki » Education » video: How to recognize a liar (+Sheldon Cooper's web of lies :)

video: How to recognize a liar (+Sheldon Cooper's web of lies :)

03 May 2023, 05:05, parser
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We offer you another TED talk, where Pamela Meyer, author of the book LIESPOTTING, talks about techniques for recognizing a person who is lying to you and why we all lie on average from 10 to 100 times a day! The video is quite long, and therefore we have outlined these rules below.

[ted id=1246 lang=ru]

  • a liar always tries to distance himself from an uncomfortable topic. Bill Clinton lied: «I have never had sexual relations with this woman.» Double reinforcement of non-involvement only emphasizes that the person is lying;
  • liars often say «...honestly...»;
  • repeating a question before answering is a common indicator of a lie;
  • a liar always looks too much into the eyes. They do not freeze, but often do not move the upper body;
  • liars smile falsely;
  • liars accompany the story with a lot of details;

Watch the episode «The Big Bang Theory » (rewind to 7:50) where Sheldon Cooper wove an unraveling web of lies :)

  • liars can never tell their stories backwards;
  • liars often turn to face the exit.;
  • liars always try to sit down and stand up so that there is a physical obstacle between them and the interlocutors – a table, closed hands or a long distance.
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29 May 2023, 14:00    0    0
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