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About Everything Wiki » Education » How to improve memory: memorizing large blocks of information

How to improve memory: memorizing large blocks of information

03 May 2023, 05:01, parser
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How to improve memory? In our time — the time of digital technologies and not very healthy food, we have almost forgotten how to remember information. Firstly, it has become much more and not all of it is of high quality, so you have to sort it every time, sifting out unnecessary junk. Secondly, now everyone has at least a mobile phone in their pocket, on which you can make a list of the necessary products, write down the phone number, enter the desired date and time into the calendar, count on a calculator. I think many have already forgotten how to divide and multiply in a column or go to the store without a list. Thirdly, for high-quality work, our brain and the body as a whole need high-quality food. With this point, everything is clear.

how to improve memory

How to improve memory? Let's start with proper nutrition, and then proceed to the methods of memorization. Scientists have found that the process of memorization is most strongly influenced by hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Therefore, it is worth increasing the consumption of iodine-containing products — sea cabbage and various seafood (herring, flounder, tuna, salmon, crabs, shrimp, etc.) And fatty sea fish from the salmon family generally has a good effect on memory not only thanks to iodine, but also vitamins.

Also, to improve memory, there are a number of special principles and methods that will help you remember and sort information. Let's focus on the most interesting:

The principle of the seven: if the material has more than seven parts, blocks — it is poorly absorbed. To facilitate the assimilation of the material, it is divided into chapters, paragraphs and paragraphs.

The principle of the optimal mode : 40-50 minutes of work and 10-15 minutes of break.

Method of mental reproduction of the situation : mentally recall the place, the music that sounded then, lighting.

Toning technique: if the information is not remembered well, you need to try to repeat it in a different way — chant, louder, quieter, with an unusual accent. All this tones up the memory.

Reduction method

Using basic concepts: if you deduce and remember the basic concepts, you can restore the entire text from them.

Literary technique + compaction of the material : we write out and memorize the initial letters of words, their abbreviations, we fit a sentence into a couple of words. We immediately remember the institute and the notes … who led them, of course.

Block reception: we make a block diagram.

Chain method

Reception of the hook «: it is necessary to link the existing information with the new one using the hook» — in meaning, consonance, color, appearance.

«City of knowledge»: to store heterogeneous information, you can «build» a whole city — remembering, we mentally travel through it.

Semantic «tree»: the main idea is the trunk of a tree, and the main branches-ideas (no more than seven) depart from it, then there are «twigs », also obedient to the principle of seven.

Logical method

Search for patterns: find any patterns in the memorized material - semantic, numerical, rhythmic.

Using analogies: find what an object looks like.

Logical output reception: logical connection of an object with known information.

Method of decoration

Pictorial representation of the material: we try to draw a visual image of what we are talking about.

Empathy: a person mentally transforms into an object of memorization.

«Smile»: look for something funny in the material. You can find a playful comparison, funny to link the elements of the material.

And again a question for you — and how do you remember large blocks of information? Your favorite way?

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