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About Everything Wiki » Business » 9 Questions You Should Ask Yourself before You Leave Hiring for a Business

9 Questions You Should Ask Yourself before You Leave Hiring for a Business

21 Jan 2024, 00:00, parser
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1. Do I have the right motivation?

Everyone will have the right motivation — the one that gives determination, willingness to face difficulties and fight for their cause.

But this does not mean that any motivation will work well and will last for a long time. For example, in Russian society there is a certain cult of the position of "not working for an uncle." It seems like the one who is hired is a loser, and only the entrepreneur reaches the top of the social pyramid. However, it is not uncommon for an individual entrepreneur to earn less than the average IT professional. Only the latter still gets lunches at the expense of the company to the office and the working day is relatively normalized.

Entrepreneurship is hard work, no matter what the bloggers who sell courses on successful success say. And starting a business is a pretty serious life choice. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you do it, because you are going to something, and not running away from something.

Maybe you are tired of your job, or rather, activity in a particular company. You're burned out, tired, and don't know what to do next. Your business is not the only alternative, and often not even what you need. Perhaps you are just not satisfied with how things have turned out now, but there are conditions under which you would abandon the idea of a business. In this case, it is worth thinking about staying in the profession, but with other introductory ones.

Sometimes motivation can come from the outside. People around advise you to get out of your comfort zone, try to make a hobby a job, and so on. But if this is not accompanied by an inner need, it will be difficult, and perhaps unbearable.

If you are looking for and do not find reasons to stay employed or arguments in favor of your business are more weighty, and your thoughts are already in the future, where you realize your dreams, then it's time for a change.

2. Do I have a plan?

Dreaming about business and doing it are two different things. To achieve success, you need an action plan that is based on numbers and research.

For example, you decided to monetize a hobby and sell your paintings. It sounds good, because someone is doing this on a commercial basis, why can't you go the same way. But if you study the market and understand how much the service is in demand, estimate costs and potential profits, read the laws that relate to entrepreneurship, it may turn out that at the dream stage it looked much brighter.

3. Do I have enough knowledge?

Learning in the process is, of course, good, but it is not easy and involves negative consequences. Of course, if you file an important document with the tax service at the wrong time and face a fine, you will be more punctual from now on. But a large sum can put a business at risk.

A businessman needs to know a lot of things, and not only those that relate to legislation. So, managing people is also a skill. He helps to build such teams that enthusiastically help to develop the business. Otherwise, you may face turnover, sabotage, theft...

Therefore, it is good to study the issue in advance, understand where you have gaps, and fill them in. And, perhaps, in the process, change your mind about becoming a businessman or, conversely, strengthen yourself in this idea.

4. Do I have a financial cushion?

You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to invest immediately, but the profit may not come in the first months. Therefore, it is important to have not only the initial capital for the business, but also a reserve of money for life. Until you get a decent income, there is, you will still have to pay for communal services and so on. A financial cushion will allow you not to be nervous about these expenses. Because business will give you plenty of reasons to worry and there is no need to multiply stress.

5. Am I ready to take risks?

Business is stressful. There is no certainty, guarantees, ready-made solutions, support. This is an activity for those who are willing to take risks and face the consequences. For some, this is a feasible task, for others it is unbearable.

No matter what they say on social networks, not everyone is created for business. It doesn't make a person worse or better, it's just that everyone has positions where they can prove themselves most effectively.

There will be many failures even with a favorable development of events. Therefore, it is important to understand your attitude to them at the start. If any mistake knocks you out of your rut for a long time, if any decision is difficult, perhaps entrepreneurship will become an unbearable test for you.

6. Am I ready to take responsibility on my own?

This is also important when working for hire. But your own business requires responsibility on a completely different level. The only person who makes decisions and faces their consequences is you. You will not be able to share responsibility with colleagues, ask for help from your superiors, write everything off as "I didn't touch anything, it's on its own" and so on.

This seems obvious, but in fact, not everyone is ready to accept that the reason for many events in life and work is the person himself. And without this, it will be difficult to run a business.

7. Am I paying enough attention to the little things?

There are people who are more meticulous, there are less. Again, no one is better or worse. But if a person is not very attentive to details, he will face problems in business. A document with the wrong date, an incorrectly issued invoice — all this can jeopardize the processes. If there are problems with mindfulness, it does not put an end to entrepreneurship. It's just that then you need to take into account the expenses of specialists who will keep track of the little things for you.

8. Am I ready to change my usual life for the sake of business?

Employment, even very creative work, is quite routine. Fixed working day, clear tasks, days off, vacation. Business, at least in the early stages, does not imply such luxury until the processes are built up. Therefore, we must be prepared that life will change. Most likely, entrepreneurship will take much more time than hiring, so you will have to give up a lot. It is important to understand this. If you are not satisfied with this prospect now, this may not be the best time to start your own business.

9. What will I do if it doesn't work out?

Not every undertaking ends in success. Of course, you don't need to set yourself up for a mandatory failure. But it's a good idea to understand what you will do if the business doesn't go well.

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