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About Everything Wiki » Books » 7 new art books for every taste

7 new art books for every taste

20 Jan 2024, 00:01, parser
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1. "Book Catchers" by Max Fry

The perfect reading for gray autumn days when you constantly want to sleep. This is both an urban fantasy, a fairy tale for adults, and a novel in the spirit of magical realism. The directions are so harmoniously intertwined into one magical story that it is impossible to break away. Max Fry, under whose name the writer Svetlana Martynchik is hiding, tells about four cities and their incredible inhabitants.

In the Lane, for example, transparent birds fly and Book Catchers work tirelessly. Who is it — it's better to read it anyway, in case you guess incorrectly. In Vilnius, there is an unusual bar, the owner of which keeps a marten at home and is not afraid of rampant quarantine, and the visitors are so sincere, like old friends. And then there is Fano and Graskan, where it is no less wonderful.

Despite the fabulous attributes, the characters of the novel are concerned about the same things as ordinary people: they worry about being overweight, they are afraid of getting sick, they get tired of work and even books, and the author gently and ironically reminds us that we have everything for joy inside, we just need to not forget about it.

2. "The Case of Savva Morozov", the ANONYMOUS project

If you like history, travel, detective stories and large book series, pay attention to the ANONYMOUS project. "The Case of Savva Morozov" is the 11th novel in the cycle, the authorship of which will be revealed only after the release of the last book. You can read it out of order, everything will be clear.

The stories are connected by the main characters. This is the intelligent detective Orest Volin and his friend Vorontsov, a retired general. They live in our time and decode the secret records of a certain "court counselor X". It turns out to be Nestor Vasilyevich Zagorsky, who lived at the beginning of the last century. Together with his assistant Ganzalin, he stopped a lot of lawlessness in different cities and countries where he went on duty.

Surprisingly, many of Zagorski's cases help Volin solve crimes in the present. In this book, we will talk about the assassination attempt on entrepreneur and philanthropist Savva Morozov, a real historical person, whose death is still not clear. And Volin thought that he finally had time for a personal life ...

3. The Book of Unsolved Cases, by Simone St. James

A mystical detective story about family secrets and psychological traumas — if they are not dealt with, tragedy can happen. This was the case in the family of the young and eccentric Beth Greer. In the 1970s, she lost her parents: her father was killed, and her mother was driven to suicide.

After that, attacks on men began in the city. The perpetrator left a note next to the victims: "Am I bitter or sweet? A woman can be both. Publish it, or there will be a sequel." These were the words from a fairy tale that Beth's mother had once told her. There was no direct evidence against Greer at that time. 50 years later, she will tell the truth to Shay, the author of the blog "The Book of Unsolved Cases."

4. "The Heart of Adelaide", Chloe Delo

An ironic novel about the desire to find love and about the curiosities that sometimes accompany it. In terms of mood and entourage, it resembles "Sex and the City", especially the continuation of this series — "And just like that".

The main character Adelaide is 46 years old. She works in a publishing house, reads a lot and persuades bloggers to promote important books. Her support and support are her friends, each of whom has her own life. But on the personal front, things are not going well. Adelaide broke up with a man after seven years of relationship: the joy disappeared and it became boring.

Previously, a woman always flitted from one novel to another, not allowing herself to enjoy solitude and understand what she really needed. And without this, it is not necessary to count on the long-term nature of the next union. So is it better to be independent or admit that you need intimacy? The author and Adelaide are trying to find out.

5. "How Lykov did not become a general", Nikolai Svechin

A short story in the retrodetective genre is read in a couple of evenings. Nikolai Svechin did not accidentally immerse his main character — state councilor and detective Alexei Lykov — in the context of the last century. The writer respects history: before writing works, he studies documents and talks with experts, calling it his favorite part of the work. That's why he doesn't like the comparison with Akunin: his books are closer to Gilyarovsky and Pikul.

The action takes place in 1913. The boss offers Lykov a delicate matter — to deal with the boyfriend of the daughter of Rasputin himself, who is close to the court. The detective does not want to choose between duty and ambition: if he does not like the case, is it worth taking it for the sake of regalia? While the man is thinking, they find the body of a sex worker who was seen in the company of Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich Jr. on the eve of the murder. Is this even possible and how to interrogate such high-ranking witnesses? The detective has to figure it out.

6. "A trip to Bar‑Khoto", Leonid Yuzefovich

The author of the novel Leonid Yuzefovich is a two—time winner of the prestigious National Bestseller and Big Book awards, Candidate of Historical Sciences. His works are distinguished by the melodiousness of the language and the authenticity of the decorations used.

"The trip to Bar‑Khoto" is a story about the fate of people against the background of the events of the first half of the XX century. The main character, Russian officer Boris Solodovnikov, is a fictional character. After the First World War, he was exiled to Transbaikalia, where he began writing memoirs, recalling how he served in the Mongolian army for two years in 1912.

At that time, Mongolia sought national independence from China, which did not want to give in. Bar‑Khoto is a fortress that the Chinese occupied and the Mongols recaptured. The plot will not do without love and drama, reflections on the difference of mentalities and the nature of things, spiritual searches.

7. "The Fourth Wing", Rebecca Yarros

Fantasy young adult about dragons, a dark academy where riders are taught to control them, rivalry and parental expectations. American writer Rebecca Yarros is a mother of six children herself, the more surprising that the main character of her novel is not a loving and supportive parent, but a strict general's wife.

She did not approve of her daughter Violet's choice of profession, who wanted to become a simple scribe, and sent her to a terrible place — the Basgiat Academy. Both cadets and commanders, and, of course, winged monsters threaten Violet. Will the gentle heroine be able to discover resilience and new qualities in herself? The book turned out to be cinematic and as if charged with the atmosphere of intrigue of "Game of Thrones" and "House of Dragons".

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