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About Everything Wiki » Work and Study » 5 Types of Influential People to Make Friends with at work

5 Types of Influential People to Make Friends with at work

11 Jun 2023, 12:01, parser
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To get high on the career ladder, it is not enough just to do your job well. It is equally important to build relationships with colleagues competently.

There are influential people in any team — those who can promote your ideas or, conversely, prevent their implementation. At the same time, the influence takes a variety of forms. To assess the level of power, it is enough to find out the position of a person. But to understand how much they really listen to him, you will have to work a little as a detective.

Here are five types of influential colleagues who should definitely be taken into the team of allies.

Which people have influence in the team

1. "Oldies"

These are the employees who have been working in the company the longest and have survived the storm of layoffs and the chaos of personnel changes. The "oldies" are a kind of historians who possess key knowledge and understand all production processes: when they appeared and how they work, what can not be changed in any way, and what else can be influenced. Such information is especially valuable if you are new to the team.

The "oldies" stay in their place long enough to perfectly understand what the leaders care about and what they want from their subordinates. If you come to a company where employees change every year, someone who has lasted three years will be able to tell you about all the pitfalls and explain what is important and should be remembered.

2. "Party people"

As soon as there is a chance to communicate informally with colleagues, the "party-goers" will not miss it. Such employees are familiar with everyone and are, it seems, everywhere at once. They are known and respected in the company, so they can not only introduce you to the right people, but also form their opinion about you.

At the same time, "party people" do not like conflicts, so do not expect them to get involved in them on your behalf. Their influence is different: "party-goers" skillfully remove obstacles in their way by the hands of other people in order to maintain an impeccable reputation.

"Party-goers" have a social appeal and, thanks to their extensive connections, can go very far, even if they do not occupy a managerial position. Usually everyone else attends events organized by "party people" and is keenly interested in their opinion. In addition, employees of this type are in the spotlight when it comes to new professional opportunities, both inside and outside the company.

Friendly relations with the "party people" will allow you to get a piece of their superpowers. They are usually allowed more than others, so they have more freedom and space for self-expression. If you work together with the "party man", it will give you access to some of its features.

3. "Watchmen"

By their example, the "watchmen" show how the influence can be imperceptible. They usually work closely with senior management, for example, they work as secretaries or assistants.

It is the "watchman" that influences when you get to the high office and how you will be met there. If you have a good relationship, the "watchman" can immediately add a meeting with you to the calendar of the manager. Otherwise, you can wait for weeks. Therefore, the "watchmen" are very useful allies. They will help you get closer to your superiors and tell you how to behave correctly in order to get what you need.

4. "Policies"

These are self-confident strategists who are not afraid to express their opinions, make decisions and speak loudly about their own achievements. They understand that for a successful career it is not enough to do their job perfectly — you need to understand the internal politics of the office.

They are very motivated by the authorities. And they know that in order to get it, you need to be bright and noticeable and stay in sight of those who already have this power. If you want to climb the corporate ladder, there is a lot to learn from "politicians". They are great at corporate games and know how to work their way to a higher position.

To become a friend for a "politician", it is important to clearly explain from the very beginning how your communication will be useful to him. Employees of this type do not have long-term relationships with those who are below their status. In this case, you can only count on mutually beneficial cooperation, but no more.

5. "Intermediaries"

Employees of this type have a real gift for solving problems. When managers get into a dead end, they often come to the "intermediaries" for advice. Because they know that they will receive a rather valuable thing that is rarely found in a dysfunctional work environment — justice.

Others trust "intermediaries". They are able to listen and remain objective. At the same time, they have principles: "intermediaries" will not tell you what you want to hear, but will honestly outline the real state of affairs and recommend what to do in the current situation.

How to make friends with influential people

First of all, do not behave artificially and do not try to pretend, but remain yourself. Ask yourself in what way you like to make acquaintances. In the general company or face to face? In a formal or more casual setting? What interests you when you meet a new person? What do you want to know about him, and what do you want to tell about yourself?

When you figure out your preferences, ask about how it is customary to get acquainted in the team. Sometimes it is necessary to gather colleagues and introduce yourself to everyone at once, sometimes you can talk to everyone in turn. There is always a chance that some employees will need a special approach. "Watchmen", for example, prefer to get acquainted by recommendation. They don't want everyone around them to know what kind of influence they actually have, so they won't help everyone.

If you don't know what to say to win over a colleague, a win—win option is to show your desire to help and learn new things. The message should be simple: "I'm not going to take your job away from you or make you look bad. I am here to gain knowledge and experience." You just need to choose the right time. When colleagues are not too busy and there is no burning deadline hanging over them, they will readily take a step forward.

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