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About Everything Wiki » Motivation » 5 questions for those who are dissatisfied with their life

5 questions for those who are dissatisfied with their life

29 May 2023, 13:54, parser
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Sometimes we feel that we are stuck: habitual actions do not bring us any closer to family well-being, financial profit, maximum productivity, success and happiness. To improve your life, sometimes it's worth exhaling a little and pulling away, asking yourself a few questions and giving honest answers to them. Such reflection will help you better understand yourself and your emotions.

1. What prevents you from acting?

Timothy Ferriss
The deeds, questions and words that we are most afraid of are often exactly what we need to do, ask or say.

More often than not, we are held back not by others, but by our own inner voice. He says that we are not smart enough or strong enough, that our attempts are doomed to failure. If you feel that you are standing still, and your dialogues with the inner self do not end in anything good, just ignore it.

Some people let their fears get the better of them. One of the ways to defeat them and silence the inner voice is to admit and voice what you are afraid of.

"Imagine the worst case scenario, and you will feel how fears will begin to recede," advises Timothy Ferriss. He developed an exercise called "Fear management". He showed that after his fear migrated from thoughts to paper, it was easier to defeat it in real life.

2. Whose permission are you waiting for?

Gary Vaynerchuk
Entrepreneur, writer.

You don't need anyone's permission to follow your dream. Go ahead, implement.

Gary Vaynerchuk, an American serial entrepreneur and author of books, believes that the only permission you should get before doing something is your own.

Don't wait for someone to approve your choice. If you want to quit, quit without waiting for the approval of colleagues. If you want to establish contact with your child, start today, without thinking about what your ex—wife will say. If you want to lose weight, eat healthy food and don't worry about what others will think.

Vaynerchuk admits that as a child he was obsessed with the idea of writing stories, but was too afraid of what other people would say about them. He was waiting for someone to choose him, pat him on the shoulder and ask for it. He was waiting for permission.

"If you want to do something, stop waiting for someone to ask you to do it. Go and do great things. When you succeed, the fans will appear themselves, and now you shouldn't worry about them," Gary advises.

3. What are you really passionate about?

Ferdinand Foch
An outstanding military figure, Marshal of France since 1918.

The most powerful weapon on Earth is the flaming human soul.

If you want to be free and develop, ask yourself: "What kindles the fire in me?"

What makes you happy? What really fascinates you? Entrepreneur and co-founder of Apple Steve Jobs knew the answer to this question from an early age: he was fascinated by design. Designing simple products was what fueled the fire in him.

Think about what you're obsessed with. By doing this, you will be focused, motivated and productive.

4. Do you make commitments?

Vince Lombardi
American football player, coach.

The quality of a person's life is directly proportional to his desire for perfection, regardless of what he does.

The commitments you have made and the promises you have made to yourself are the bridge between you and your ideal life. If you are unhappy with your marriage, check whether you are fulfilling your obligations as a husband and father (or wife and mother). If you earn less than you would like, make sure that you work conscientiously.

If you want to achieve a goal, promise yourself to take steps towards it. Only they will help you to succeed according to the plan and only they will make you do what you need, regardless of external circumstances.

If you need results, you have to be responsible for your work.

Ken Blanchard
American writer, business consultant.

If you are interested in doing something, then you do it when it's convenient for you. And if you have made a commitment, then you will do it in any circumstances. No excuses, just results.

Therefore, if you want to improve your life, do not make allowances for yourself.

5. What changes are you waiting for?

Abraham Maslow
Psychologist, founder of humanistic psychology.

We always have a choice: take a step forward or go back to where it's safe.

Are you trying to find a work-life balance? Do you want to open your own business? Do you need to restore your health? Are you learning to cope with anger? Or maybe you're trying to improve your relationship with your partner? Define your goal and formulate it as precisely as possible.

The power of correct goal-setting and attitude is shown by the example What Breaking the 4-Minute Mile Taught Us About the Limits of Conventional Thinking / Harvard Business Review Roger Bannister is a medical student from London, who at the age of 25 decided to run a mile (1.6 km) faster than 4 minutes at all costs. It was 1954 in the yard — then it was believed that a person was not capable of such a thing.

Bannister has developed his own training regime. But even more important was the psychological preparation. He changed his mindset from "it's impossible" to "I want to be the first to do it." On May 6, 1954, Bannister ran a mile in 3 minutes and 59.4 seconds.

Roger Bannister shut up his inner voice, gave himself permission to become great, realized that running kindled a fire in him, promised himself to become the first person to run a mile in 4 minutes, and clearly understood what his goal was.

The result

If you can't get anywhere on the way to the goal, ask yourself these five questions. When you answer them, you will realize that you are stronger than you thought. Don't let your fears and society get in the way. You have the power to follow your dreams and achieve your goals.

Don't let negative thinking control your feelings. There is nothing wrong with self-criticism: it helps to recognize that something went wrong and adjust the action plan. But excessive self-flagellation can lead to the fact that you will begin to identify yourself with your shortcomings.

Learn to recognize defeats and shortcomings correctly. Instead of "I'm a loser," say, "I'm unlucky." Instead of bitterly calling yourself a smoker, say, "I'm smoking now." Instead of "I'm fat", say that you have excess weight and you know how to get rid of it.

The essence of positive thinking is not to ignore your shortcomings, but not to revel in regret for failures. When you are unhappy with yourself, focus not on emotions, but on what you can do to change it. You can start thinking positively with a dialogue with yourself.

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