We can declare our proactivity as much as we like, setting goals and achieving what we strive for. But if we whine and complain at the same time, are we worthily wasting our years?
If you don't believe that almost everyone complains, remember your day. Didn't you at least complain in your heart about all sorts of little things today? Traffic jams, weather, overcooked steak, cold coffee. It seems that we can go over the reasons for complaints for an infinite time.
But we don't always complain only about external factors, no. We complain about ourselves too. The fact that we don't have the time or money, or just something is missing.
It turns out that we create a lot of unpleasant feelings for ourselves, complaining about what we don't control. What's the use of complaining, spoiling the mood for yourself and others? Wouldn't your life be better if you left what you can't change alone and enjoyed what you have?
The idea is not new, but indeed happiness and pleasure are all inside us. And understanding how often and what we used to complain about is the first step to an "effective" life. Catch yourself complaining and ask yourself the question, which do you prefer – to complain, or to be happy?
A couple of steps to help stop whining:
It is always easier to advise than to do, but even if the habit of not complaining arises only after years, it is worth it. Even a small reduction in the number of complaints will improve your life.
How to Stop Acting Like Such a Big Baby [ Jonathan Mead ]