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About Everything Wiki » Life Hack » Where does dust come from and how to get rid of it

Where does dust come from and how to get rid of it

10 Jun 2023, 12:07, parser
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Where does house dust come from

Dust is the smallest particles up to 0.1 mm in diameter that enter houses through windows and ventilation, as well as on the soles of shoes. The inhabitants of the dwelling themselves become effective "producers" of dust: it contains scales of human skin, dandruff and pet hair. You can also find insect remains, fragments of feathers, fungal spores and particles of various building materials in it. Every day our body gets Exposure Factors Handbook / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from 30 to 60 mg of dust.

Recently, scientists conducted a study International Analysis of Sources and Human Health Risk Associated with Trace Metal Contaminants in Residential Indoor Dust / ACS Publications house dust from 35 countries around the world. Depending on the city, arsenic, lead, chromium, nickel, manganese and other elements dangerous to the body were found in it. And dust mites, which feed on dead particles of the human epidermis, also pose a threat to health. Their secretions often cause Dust mite allergy / Mayo Clinic allergies and asthma. Therefore, people with such diseases should approach the battle with dust thoroughly.

How to beat the dust

To begin with, you can be inspired by the workers of Winchester Cathedral in the UK. For four weeks they cleaned statues and other items of the shrine's decoration from a layer of age-old dust. If they succeeded, then you will succeed.

1. Do not create dust favorable conditions

Minimize the number of dust collector items in the house. Various figurines, vases, travel souvenirs, soft toys and other decor are certainly pleasing to the eye. But at the same time they collect a lot of dust, and fighting it takes time and effort. Also, it is worth removing things from open surfaces that you do not use every day: cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, dishes, stacks of papers. Carpets are considered one of the leaders in collecting dust. If you can't give them up, you'll have to periodically arrange for them to be thoroughly cleaned.

2. Do wet cleaning more often

The Council is as old as the world, and still has not lost its relevance. Wet cleaning has not only aesthetic, but also medical significance Controlling Dust, Dust Mites, and Other Allergens in Your Home / Michigan Medicine: University of Michigan , especially if you suffer from allergies and asthma. Arming ourselves with a rag. It is better if it is made of microfiber. Dry, you can easily collect all the dust, and then fix the result with a wet one.

And it is also convenient to use a fluffy broom with a funny name "pipidaster" to fight dust. Its synthetic fibers do not brush away, but attract particles, which significantly accelerates cleaning even in hard-to-reach places.

3. Choose efficient household appliances

Vacuum cleaners equipped with a water filter cope with dirt and clean the air. The dust is sucked in and settles in the container with the liquid, losing all chances to leak out. Some models have an additional nozzle for washing floors, which allows you to do the cleaning faster. A steamer or steam cleaner will help to refresh furniture, pillows and voluminous home textiles, for example, curtains and tulle. The latter, by the way, can be easily washed floors and other surfaces.

4. Use special tools

For example, you can wipe the floor and furniture with a polish. It serves as a kind of antistatic agent: it repels dust, allowing surfaces to stay clean longer. A regular air conditioner for laundry is also suitable for cleaning. Just mix one part of the product with three parts of water. By the way, the same "cocktail" can be poured into the water compartment of a robot vacuum cleaner. In its pure form, the air conditioner is useful for wiping the TV screen — it cleans the surface well and does not leave streaks.

5. Stock up on vacuum bags and storage cases

Non-seasonal clothing, blankets and pillows can be stored in vacuum bags. This solution will make the air cleaner and save space in the closet. For coats, jackets, jackets and other clothes that require careful care, storage in special trunks is suitable.

6. Humidify the air

The most effective way to deal with dust is to buy an air humidifier. Pay attention to what area of the room the device is able to cover. More expensive models have additional air purification and ionization functions. You can also increase the humidity in the apartment by household methods. For example, after a shower, leave the bathroom door open, hang wet laundry on the radiators, or put a bucket of water at the battery. A nice bonus: humidification of the air has a good effect on the condition of the skin and hair, especially during the heating season.

7. Do some home gardening

Green plants make the air cleaner and saturate it with oxygen. They are also able to perform the function of a humidifier. For this purpose, choose indoor flowers that require regular spraying and frequent watering. Their leaves will evaporate more moisture. But do not forget that the inhabitants of window sills also need periodic cleaning from dust.

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