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About Everything Wiki » Life » How to gain emotional stability and get more pleasure from life

How to gain emotional stability and get more pleasure from life

26 May 2023, 12:00, parser
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What is emotional stability

In the 1970s, psychologists created The “Big Five” Personality Traits / Scientific American personality assessment model, which was called the "Big Five". It includes five traits: extroversion, openness to experience, benevolence, conscientiousness and neuroticism.

The opposite of neuroticism from the "Big Five" is emotional stability. It is determined by the frequency and intensity of negative emotions that we experience. The higher its level, the better we cope with negative feelings, such as fear, anger, sadness or anxiety. This does not mean that an emotionally stable person experiences more pleasant emotions. He experiences fewer unpleasant ones and manages them effectively when they arise.

It is important to understand that all the features of the "Big Five", including neuroticism, are part of the spectrum. Therefore, most of us are somewhere in the middle between emotional stability and neuroticism.

How is emotional stability related to enjoying life

In March 2023, scientists published Personality, satisfaction linked throughout adult lifespan / American Psychological Association results of a long-term study. Its participants aged from 16 to 95 years filled out questionnaires where they assessed how satisfied they were with their social relationships. Based on the data obtained, experts studied which features of the "Big Five" correlate with a feeling of greater satisfaction from life.

Previous observations J. Anglim, S. Horwood, et al. Predicting psychological and subjective well‑being from personality: A meta‑analysis / Psychological Bulletin has already demonstrated that people with high rates of extroversion, openness to experience and benevolence are more satisfied with their lives at different stages of it than those with these parameters lower. The authors of the new study focused on how the traits of the "Big Five" affect people throughout their life path.

Scientists proceeded from the assumption that in youth and in old age we have different social roles and tasks. For example, a higher level of extroversion is associated with greater satisfaction at a young age, because this trait helps to make friends. And as they grow older, openness to experience and emotional stability begin to have a more noticeable impact, since many create families and social relationships are fixed.

But in the course of the study, experts also found that, despite changing roles and circumstances, the most emotionally stable people experienced a stronger sense of satisfaction throughout their lives. At the same time, more conscientious participants enjoyed their work more, and participants with a higher level of benevolence and extroversion were more likely than others to be satisfied with their social connections. In addition, people who gradually developed and strengthened these personality traits received more satisfaction both from work and from relationships with others.

How to strengthen emotional stability

Research shows S. Sanchez‑Roige, J. C Gray, et al. The genetics of human personality / Genes, Brain and Behavior that our character is more or less determined genetically. However, we can change our personality if we form and maintain the right habits until we begin to perform them effortlessly.

At the same time, each person has his own starting point. You may not be as emotionally stable as the people around you, but you can figure out what works best for you and practice those skills. For example, in the following ways.

Use the "stress bucket"

Imagine that you carry a bucket with you that gradually fills up throughout the day — every time you experience stress. Some events, such as a serious conversation with a loved one that makes you slightly anxious, add quite a bit of weight to the bucket. Others, for example, a large work project that needs to be completed in two days, on the contrary, fill the bucket to the brim.

People who are able to cope well with stress have an improved version of the bucket with a tap. It helps to regulate the volume of content, that is, the internal stress level. Think about what could become such a "tap" for you. When you understand what exactly helps you relieve stress, you will begin to cope better with strong experiences and become more stable emotionally.

Take care of yourself

One of the many effective ways to resist stress is to maintain strong social ties — surround yourself with close people and communicate with them more often. In addition, even such elementary things as time spent outdoors, delicious food or a healthy sleep regime help to empty the "bucket of stress" and feel better.

Start new habits

The behaviors and practices that you plan to introduce into your life in order to change your personality should be realistic and doable. For example, if you want to meditate, you should not immediately start with 30‑minute sessions. Focus on simple exercises and do them for five minutes first, and then gradually increase the time.

The task is to focus as much as possible on a new habit and thoughtfully carry it out. In the case of meditation, it is first of all important to listen to your body, look for tension points and observe sensations. If you start setting additional conditions for yourself, for example, meditating at a certain time or in a certain place, it will prevent you from making a useful habit a part of your life.

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