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About Everything Wiki » Inspiration » 7 inspiring quotes from people without excuses

7 inspiring quotes from people without excuses

09 May 2023, 07:34, parser
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The year 2013 is coming to an end. Traditionally, on the eve of the holidays, we summarize, reflect on our successes and failures over the past 12 months, set goals and make plans for the future.

Believe me, all your dreams will come true if you, as the heroes of our special project, stop looking for excuses. And the parting words of the respondents of the heading "No excuses" will help you in this.


Alina Starodubtseva
poet, writer, actress
The world works on the principle of a mirror. The world is you. Everything around you is reflections, glare, an artful illusion... a mirrored room. And one of your smiles can, like a magnet, attract a miracle.


Roman Aranin
entrepreneur, former pilot
Break down the barriers that we have in our heads. To break the mood – "everything is bad, it's time to go." It's wrong. You just need to start with yourself. Move away from the pitted stamps and make your life better, more active, drink it in big gulps. And you will see how everything is changing around you.


Ksenia Bezuglova
model, disability-"Miss world"
Make as few excuses as possible. Has trouble happened? Yes, it happens. But maybe this is not the end, but only the beginning? I want exactly this understanding of life: when it seems that everything is over, everything has collapsed, try to imagine that everything is just beginning and let it begin. Do not fade away in your inner world, but open it to others. Force yourself to enjoy life, love the world, love people and be sure to love yourself.


Maxim Weise
Break away from your work more often. Don't dig into the routine. You should always remember that life is one and work is not all that it consists of. There are friends, family, relatives – you need to find time for them. Live a full life where everything has a place.


Nastya Vinogradova
event manager, disability model
Don't be afraid to try yourself. Don't be afraid of anything new. Don't be afraid of change. Use any opportunity that is given to you, and if fate is scarce on gifts, look for and create these opportunities yourself.


Artem Moiseenko
The most important thing is to keep your mind clear. To engage in their spiritual development, to help people in need. And to believe that no matter what happens to you, no matter what trauma or life situation happens, it does not mean that this is the end of your life. On the contrary, this is just the beginning.


Vladimir Akhapkin

Never be afraid of anything. Especially to change something. There are no frames. Rather, they exist as long as you are afraid to take a step forward (write to someone, offer your idea ...). Yes, living in a shell may be convenient, but everything can be even better. And love yourself for who you are. You deserve to have everything you dream of. Remember this, and then you won't have to look for any excuses.

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