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About Everything Wiki » Health » 28 ways to relax in 5 minutes

28 ways to relax in 5 minutes

22 May 2023, 13:13, parser
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Power supply

Drink green tea: Herbal tea has an excellent relaxing effect. Green tea is a source of L-theanine, which helps to get rid of anger. Boil water, make tea and take a soothing sip — it only takes a couple of minutes.

Chocolate bar: A few pieces of dark chocolate will help to avoid stress and boost your mood. Dark chocolate regulates the levels of the stress hormone cortisol and stabilizes the metabolism, but keep in mind that it is not advisable to abuse it.

A few spoonfuls of honey: This product is not only a natural skin moisturizer and antibiotic, but also reduces arousal, that is, it is an excellent remedy for anxiety and depression.

Eat mango: Take a tropical vacation without leaving your workplace. Juicy, fragrant mango contains a substance called linalool, which helps reduce stress levels. Don't worry about the juice flowing through your hands — it's worth it.

Chew gum: Menthol, fruit, or any flavor you like. This is a surprisingly simple and effective way to overcome stress. Just a few minutes of chewing can reduce anxiety and lower cortisol levels.

Inner world

Put your head on the pillow: There are days when the only thing we really need is a good, long sleep. Unfortunately, if you are at work, this is usually not possible. But if you have a pillow, then you are already on the way to relaxation. Try to relax as follows: put your head on the pillow for a few minutes and imagine that it sucks all your worries like a sponge.

Meditation: There is no need to run away to the mountains, just a few minutes in a calm quiet place is enough to reap the benefits of meditation. There are different meditation techniques to feel rested and calm. Find a comfortable and quiet place, concentrate on your breathing and feel that all worries begin to disappear.

Remember about breathing: Is there an easier way to relax? Slow, deep breathing can help lower blood pressure and heart rate. For a change, try pranayama breathing. This yogic method involves breathing first through one nostril and then the other, and is used to reduce anxiety.

Try progressive relaxation: Tense? Use the method of progressive relaxation in order to learn how to relax in any conditions. This method consists of step-by-step training in selective tension and relaxation of certain types of muscles.

Account back: Yes, this method is known to everyone, but it really works. Try to count forward and backward several times. Your brain won't have time to worry if it's busy with numbers.

Close your eyes: If you can close your eyes, then everything is fine. Just shut out the noise of the office or the chaos of the street behind the protection of tightly closed eyelids. This is an easy way to restore calm and attention.

Body relaxation

Give yourself a hand massage: Of course, you will not be able to use the services of a professional massage therapist at your workplace. But it is quite possible to give yourself a hand massage. This will be especially useful for people who spend a lot of time in front of the keyboard. And if you have a little more than five minutes, then it is quite possible to massage your neck and even your back .

Try acupressure: Acupressure is an acupressure that owes its birth to ancient Chinese medicine. This method is less painful and completely safe, while it is applicable everywhere and easily accessible for anyone to master.

Ride a tennis ball: Take off your shoes and roll an ordinary tennis ball with your foot. It will turn out an excellent improvised foot massage. This is especially nice if you have to wear high-heeled shoes.

Wet your wrists with cold water: If you feel that you are about to explode, then go to the bathroom and just moisten your wrists and the place behind your earlobes with cold water. This will help to calm down quickly and relieve tension.

New environment

Stay alone:Not everyone needs a forest hut, but five minutes of solitude will help you gather your thoughts and clear your head.

Create a Zen zone for yourself: find or create a special place for relaxation. This is a place where no one and nothing will bother you for sure. Perhaps it will be a comfortable armchair in the hall or a secluded bench in the courtyard — the main thing is that you associate it with peace and relaxation.

Look out the window: If you are constantly looking at the TV screen or monitor, then a five-minute contemplation of real life outside the window can coolly clear your mind.

Put things in order: The daily mess surrounding you can be a much stronger cause for irritation than you think. The chaos on the table is very often a reflection of the chaos in your head. Remove all unnecessary things, put things in order and you will see how beneficial it will affect you.


Stretch: Do you have an image of a gym and graceful gymnasts in the splits at this word? This is not necessary at all — you can stretch without even getting up from your workplace. Try to stretch well up and to the sides, various rotations of the body, slopes, or, for example, this complex.

Yoga: Many people think that yoga is very difficult and not quite suitable for a noisy city. However, this is not the case at all. Yoga is a great way to take control not only of your body, but also of your mind.

Running on the spot: Try running on the spot for a few minutes to get a boost of endorphins into your blood. Even a brief physical activity can help to overcome stress and have fun.


Listen to your favorite song: It's amazing what transformations music can cause with our consciousness. If you are upset or depressed, if you need to get together or relax, then try listening to your favorite song and life will turn out completely differently.

Dance: Put together vigorous physical exercises, motivating cheerful music and the flight of the soul. This explosive mixture gives positive results in just a few minutes.

Keep a diary: Keeping a diary will help you not only get through the difficult moments of your life easier, but also lead a more meaningful life. Put events and emotions on paper, be honest with yourself and this will help you find peace of mind.


Try aromatherapy: It only takes a minute, drop a few drops of lavender, tea tree or other essential oil on the palm of your hand and inhale.Soothing scents can help to recover from stress and anxiety by stimulating the olfactory receptors in the nose, which affect the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions.

Smell the citrus fruits: Oranges and tangerines are strongly associated with pleasure and celebration. The smell of citrus fruits can help us relax by increasing the level of the stress-related hormone norepinephrine.

Smell the coffee: The smell of coffee invigorates and gives a good mood. This drink has not only a delicious unforgettable aroma, but also many other useful properties.
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