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About Everything Wiki » Get Rich » What will become more expensive in 2023

What will become more expensive in 2023

09 Jun 2023, 12:02, parser
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Consumer goods and products

According to experts, this can be expected at the beginning of the year.

Anastasia Khrustaleva
Senior Vice President of Fontvielle IC.

The prerequisite for this is to increase Federal Law No. 448‑FZ of November 21, 2022 "On Amendments to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation, Suspension of Certain Provisions of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, Invalidation of Certain Provisions of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and on the Establishment of Specifics of Budget Execution of the Budget System of the Russian Federation in 2023 year" from January 1, 2023, the tax rates on the extraction of minerals for the oil and gas industry. An increase in the tax burden will lead to an increase in fuel prices. Since trucks are used for the delivery of most goods, a change in the indirect tax can affect the price tags of almost all items.

But it's not just about fuel. Some groups of products may rise in price for other reasons. As Anastasia Khrustaleva notes, the price of fruits and vegetables traditionally rises at the beginning of the year. This is due to the fact that the stocks of domestic products are coming to an end, and the cost of imports depends on the supplier country. It can be assumed that vegetables on average will rise in price by 5%, fruits — by 7-9%. Also, additional costs are likely to be expected by coffee lovers — due to the departure of a number of suppliers and the complication of logistics, the cost of this product has already increased, but the price tags may continue to move.

The new conditions in which manufacturers find themselves, in general, are not very friendly to them.

Nikita Vasiltsov
Head of the Procurement and Production Department of Moloko LLC.

Due to sanctions, the departure of international companies and problems with transportation, supplies became 2-3 times more expensive, and some goods were not available at all. Manufacturers buy ingredients in reserve, look for analogues in Russia, rebuild trade routes.

Alcohol and tobacco

The increase in excise taxes from the beginning of 2023 will affect the cost of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.

Anastasia Khrustaleva

The purchase and retail prices for hot drinks stronger than 28 degrees will increase. For example, vodka, brandy and cognac will rise in price by 7.7–7.8%. Sparkling wine lovers will have to pay more than 40% more for a drink than they do now. The cost of cigarettes, both traditional and electronic, will increase by about 4%.

Passenger cars and gasoline

This is also due to the increase in excise taxes. For example, for class 5 gasoline, it will be 14,345 rubles per ton instead of 12,752 rubles.

Soda and energy

From July 2023, sugary drinks will become excisable Federal Law No. 443‑FZ of November 21, 2022 "On Amendments to Article 4 of Part One, Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" . We are talking about liquids made on the basis of drinking or mineral water with the addition of sugar, honey or sugar syrup. At the same time, carbohydrates in them should be at least 5 grams per 100 milliliters, and ethyl alcohol — no more than 1.2%.

Anastasia Khrustaleva

The excise rate on them will be 7 rubles per liter. As a result of the innovation, for example, a one-and-a-half-liter bottle of soda, which can be bought today for 50 rubles, will cost about 60.5 rubles.

Advertising on the Internet (and everything it advertises)

The law on mandatory labeling Federal Law No. 38‑FZ of March 13, 2006 "On Advertising" will inevitably lead to a global rise in the price of advertising of almost all types.

Alexander Dyachenko
Brand strategist, marketer.

This is due both to the need to attract additional resources to collect and send all documents to the unified register of online advertising, and to the introduction of a commission for the use of advertising data by the operator at each registration of created creatives. The law will inevitably lead to a global increase in the cost of advertising up to 10%.

In the new year, we expect an increase in the cost of advertising integrations in podcasts of various topics. Against the background of the blocking of many familiar channels and the ban on conducting commercial activities in social networks from Meta (recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation) in 2022, podcasts have become a new high-quality channel of communication with target audiences.

And if companies spend more on advertising, they will start selling their products more expensive.

Some state duties

More precisely, the state duties themselves will remain the same. Just cancel Discount on payment of state duties through "State Services" will be canceled from January 1, 2023 / Rossiyskaya Gazeta the opportunity to save 30% if you pay them through "Public Services". Previously, thanks to this, it was possible to save money when obtaining an all-Russian and foreign passport, driver's license, marriage registration, and so on.

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