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About Everything Wiki » Education » How to successfully pass a session without cheating: tips of a seasoned student

How to successfully pass a session without cheating: tips of a seasoned student

03 May 2023, 07:55, parser
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As you know, all self-respecting students prepare for the exam on the last night, before spending an hour and a half near an open window, frantically calling for "Freebies". Everyone organizes the night "brainstorming" in their own way. Someone diligently writes spurs, believing that along the way all the course material will remain in his head (there are few such students - the method does not meet the realities of the time when spurs are sold on every corner). Someone is looking for a friend who will agree to sit "on the phone" tomorrow morning and help pass the exam thanks to modern means of communication (there are more of them, since this is not only, as they say, in the spirit of the times, but also a kind of adventure: "Professor, burdock, welcome!"). Well, someone (there are very few of them), cursing himself that he didn't think of it earlier, diligently cramming.

It is necessary to sympathize with both, and others and others, because the student's share is heavy. However, the third can not only sympathize, but also help. There are a few simple rules that will greatly facilitate the process of memorization and significantly increase the efficiency of the brain.

Rule 1. Give yourself the right setup

It is difficult to meet a student who has not studied philosophy, it is even more difficult to meet someone who would remember more from it than "Hegel created the doctrine of the absolute spirit ...". And not because the subject is boring and rather complicated, it's just that most students perceive it as "unnecessary" and teach philosophy on the principle of "pass and forget". This setup works fine: only after receiving the coveted stroke of the pen in the test, everything that he learned is erased from the student's memory. And there's nothing you can do about it – psychology. Therefore, it is important to give yourself an installation before you start preparing for the exam that you need this material for further professional activity and a successful career.

Rule 2. Don't try to embrace the immensity

How long has the teacher been lecturing you? Semester? That is, even if there are 1 lectures per week, then an average of 25 pairs, 20 hours will be obtained per semester. That's a lot for one night, isn't it? Even if you manage to read (not learn!) that's it, then you won't be able to visit the student canteen for a long time, but eat porridge from your head. Therefore, do not strive to embrace the immensity! Rather, you need to read all the lectures in order to get a general picture, an idea of the course being studied, but you need to read not scrupulously and thoughtfully, but reviewingly, the main thing is to catch the essence. At the same time, try to memorize frequently encountered terms and phrases (thereby you will increase the conceptual apparatus) and pay attention to examples – they will help you to understand the topic faster.

Rule 3. Think logically

We have already decided that it is not necessary to memorize all the lectures like a poem, the main thing is to understand their "salt". This is easiest to do by logically comprehending the material being studied. And for this, as they say, all means are good: imagine the picture visually (how two small atoms "met" on a deserted street and decided to "live together" by combining into a molecule), draw diagrams and tables, ask a friend to give a lecture and explain to you "in their own words". The main thing is that you understand the process well and can easily tell about it, just relying on logic and your understanding of how it works, how everything happens. After all, psychologists have long proven that memorization based on logical comprehension of information is 4 times more effective than mechanical cramming. To consolidate the logical understanding of the material, try to build a reverse chain. For example, describe first the functions of a single bank, then the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and only then the entire banking system of Russia.

Rule 4. Learn the definitions

Many students underestimate the meaning of definitions. In fact, definitions (the "techies" also have formulas) should really "fly off the teeth", as teachers usually require.

Firstly, a well-written definition, as a rule, contains the answer to the whole question of the ticket, or even more than one. For example, the question "The concept and signs of anything" in 99% of cases can be answered by knowing only one definition, since long and "sophisticated" definitions contain all the signs:

Law is a system of generally binding formally defined rules of behavior in society. Signs of law: consistency, obligation, formal certainty.

You will be able to reveal the signs and the concept in more detail thanks to the formed general idea of the course being studied.

Secondly, in any academic discipline, there are no more than 30 definitions that you need to know and that you need to be able to use, that is, it's only 30 sentences. You can learn them on average in 30 minutes, but so that they are not forgotten by the morning, repeat them an hour after you have learned them, and then after another 2-3 hours and be sure before you go to the exam.

And, finally, thirdly, how many times have you had to hear from a teacher crushed by your "knowledge": "At least give me a definition of economics (philosophy, political science, pedagogy, etc.) as a science and I'll give you a "three""?

Rule 5. Don't overload yourself

This rule is well-known and obvious: every hour or two in preparation you need to take 5-10-minute breaks, you should get up to warm up, get some fresh air, go to another room, etc. This is necessary so that attention and memory do not work in vain, since all mental processes slow down and become dull with continuous access to them for more than 60 minutes. And, most importantly, if you feel that you "can't do it anymore", your eyes close, and the textbook falls out of your hands, then you should not "rape" yourself and drink liters of coffee. It would probably be more correct to go to bed, because you need to go to the exam with a "fresh" head.

Not a fluff, not a feather! :)

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